Search results

  1. Subhumanoidal

    Why has the chat application disappeared from the google store?

    I didn't say it went Only to the forums, but pointing out the money Also goes towards the forums. Refunds. Yes. Where you give back what you bought in exchange for the money you spent. You spent Years on this site, using the service and now think you deserve your money back? Do you go into...
  2. Subhumanoidal

    Relationships and Your Parents…

    I find these Christians that hold on to their ethnic culture to be quite out of line, scripturally. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Anyone who pushes you to stick "with your own kind" is countering...
  3. Subhumanoidal

    Mobile christian chat app

    No one knows anything. The forum users don't really use the chats, thus we have no information, nor concern. The only response is a mod saying he doesn't know what's going on either other than the site owner quit logging in. Donations also apply to the forums, not just the chats. My guess (in an...
  4. Subhumanoidal

    Is this an ungodly thing to say?

    Well to a point some of it is that people today tend to make sweeping, generalized statements. So when you speak about some other people think "all". And, of course, that would be taken as offensive. But, really, your experience (as in any person's, not yours specifically), is a limited view...
  5. Subhumanoidal

    What kind of drink are you?

    Coffee that's too hot to drink. You want it so bad, but just can't have it. 😂😂😂
  6. Subhumanoidal

    If God knew in advance what would happen in His plan-----

    A rather unthought out mindset. I'm no supporter of homosexuality, but funny how religiously minded people get on this topic. At the end of the day you are a sinner deserving of hell, just like the homosexual. The Only difference between a person going to hell and one that's not is a single...
  7. Subhumanoidal

    Good Deed Does Not Go Unpunished: Pastor Arrested While Helping Neighbors

    "Lock me up, I want you to!" The truth behind the story. Only criminals and commies would paint him as a victim.
  8. Subhumanoidal

    Chat Rooms Down Yet Again...

    Go back and skim the thread to get the closest thing to an answer that's available. It's already been said.
  9. Subhumanoidal

    Halloween. Is it evil? Should Christians celebrate it?

    There's at least one, often two or three, new threads on this subject every October. I always felt whether or not to celebrate holidays is up to your own conscience. If you feel it's wrong, don't do it. If you're ok with it, go for it. But as always there are people who can't grasp the idea...
  10. Subhumanoidal

    Are people who are dating single?

    Single, to me, means not married. But single also does not mean available. Usually you'll get "single but dating" or "single but not looking". Makes it all pretty cut and dry. It's common anymore for people to treat the meanings of words as being free to interpret. This creates confusion as...
  11. Subhumanoidal

    Court me, Court me Not..

    Obviously mens and women's brains are different. And one way it's been proven is communication. Men tend to be more direct and focused when talking. Getting to the point and saying what he wants. Women tend to come at things more sideways and indirect. Which works well when talking with other...
  12. Subhumanoidal

    Court me, Court me Not..

    Some people are naturally so friendly, and also physical (in a non-sexual way, and with no romantic intents) it comes across as being interested. Often to them their behavior is natural and they are unaware they're doing it. It's not uncommon for men to take this as giving romantic intentions...
  13. Subhumanoidal

    How about a debate forum?

    Not sure why people going on about this. Or putting in their "vote". It's already been said it'll never happen. Nothing to vote on.
  14. Subhumanoidal

    Needs opinions of moms of children from 5 to 10 years old

    People with Trypophobia would hate it. Kids without it may like it.
  15. Subhumanoidal

    Forum decorum

    Sounds funny. Rhymes.
  16. Subhumanoidal


    Questions come with different intents. Some not so good. Two common types seen on this site are: Questions, or a series of questions, where the OP is secretly trying to make a point. They word things in certain ways to try to trap people. They never want to answer their own questions because it...
  17. Subhumanoidal

    Chat down

    Do you mean Robo, the site owner? Do you mean bode? It's been reported as being out of Google play for at least a week, maybe longer, so I'm sure he's aware. He doesn't really read most posts, or if he does he rarely answers. But doubtful he does, so posting for him to read won't really work.
  18. Subhumanoidal

    Can we request a thread to be shut down?

    This is the wrong place to ask. User2User Tech is the right place. But since you've asked, entire threads being removed, no. Not if others have responded, especially. Getting posts removed is rare. Unless you've broke the rules or shared too much (which they may just edit out the unwanted bits)...
  19. Subhumanoidal

    why is site down again?

    The chat app and the forums mostly have different users, so people here mostly are unaware of what's happening on the chat app. And the site is notorious for not sharing information, so no one here would know either way.
  20. Subhumanoidal

    Bible translation

    This again? 🙄