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  1. JFSurvivor

    white man

    Gungor "God is not a white Man": hi! This is a really poweful song and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it.
  2. JFSurvivor

    why do some people repel the world?

    Why is it some people seem to repel the world? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
  3. JFSurvivor

    God is a Gentleman

    I dunno if I posted something with this topic title before but if I did oh well. God is a gentleman and He doesn't force himself on anyone. So He won't change anyone who doesn't want to be changed. For example, luke warm Christians who are happy to be luke warm Christians. So then if this is...
  4. JFSurvivor


    My boyfriend lost his liscence because he hit someone with his car. The guy is ok and all but still. Ok well he had a broken arm. Anyways he's blind....he can see in the day but not at night. This whole scenareo happened a few months ago and the reason I am posting about it now is because he...
  5. JFSurvivor

    question about submission

    So I was reading this book and it explained how after the verses about wives submitting and husbands loving there's a verse that says, "husbands and wives must submit to one another as is fitting to the Lord." (I think I got that right.) Well this book says that husbands and wives are to submit...
  6. JFSurvivor


    Feeling really burnt out due to college. I am on the honors society and phi theta kappa really wants me to join them but I'm so afraid that I won't be able to live up to their standards because I am feeling so burnt out and what's worse is that I am only taking two classes this semester. Any advice?
  7. JFSurvivor

    my rant about time

    Ok peeps, I cannot tell you how many times I have heard another Christian say, "I don't have time to love." WHAT SORT OF POPPYCOCK IS THAT? That's a load of poop and we all know it! If I were to look at your day and break it down by the hour I would bet $100 that you would have SOME free time...
  8. JFSurvivor

    Can I post a story here?

    Can I post a story here? I won't post it until I get an answer because I don't want to be rude so yeah.
  9. JFSurvivor

    thinking about breaking up

    I dunno if this is the right forum but I am thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend. I'm scared because I don't want to go back to being lonley. :-(
  10. JFSurvivor

    Demons have rights

    So I went to this conference and it was all about spiritual warfare. The guy was like "demons have rights." And I'm sitting there like "what?" Well think about it. In the courtroom of God, it's a COURTROOM. Let's say a demon comes up to God and is like "See that person? they're a christian but...
  11. JFSurvivor


    So I talked to a one of my friends sons and I explained about Jesus. I think he has been under some serious spiritual attack. Anyways I talked to him and after I talked to him I was filled with this amazing joy that was just so inexplicable and just so amazing. I realized that Jesus was going to...
  12. JFSurvivor


    I know this is a prayer request thread but I wanted to post a praise because God is good! So here goes! So I was talking with a friend and she explained to me that God is a gentleman. He is a gentleman because he won't force himself on us. He wants to be invited so to speak. Hehe I just felt...
  13. JFSurvivor

    letting go

    So I know a lot of you read my testemony. Thank you for that. So now you know a bit about me. Here's a question: I want to let go of my past but what does that look like? Does that mean that I pretend it didn't happen and never ever talk about it? I'm confused. Help?
  14. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 3

  15. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 2

  16. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 1

  17. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 3

    So by this time I am livid with God. I don't know why he did this to me, I don't know why I had to go through this. I kept asking why? Why? WHY? I stopped reading my Bible, I stopped going to church I thought I was going to be done being a Christian because all my hope was spent, all my love...
  18. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 2

    Previously on JFSurvivors testimony: She was born in Russia, was adopted and went to a camp where she learned about Jesus. Alright so we're still at the camp. I learned about Jesus and I accept him into my life. Fast forward to me at age 12 at this camp At this time I was a Catholic. The...
  19. JFSurvivor

    My Testimony part 1

    Oh boy! Where to begin! Ok, so I was born in Moscow Russia in 1994. I was abandoned by my birth mother at a hospital and then was placed in an orphanage until I was ten months old. When I was ten months old my parents came and adopted me and brought me to America. Fast forward to when I was...
  20. JFSurvivor

    What will become of "fake Christians?"

    Romans 1:21-32 1 Corinthians 5 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 1 Timothy 1:3-11 James 2:14-24 Matthew 7:15-23 So these verses are all about "fake Christians". You know those Christians that are like, "I love Jesus" then they go off and do whatever they want. Or the Christians that think they are...