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  1. JFSurvivor

    Pray for my sin to stop

    I have been having a real hard time with gossip. will you pray for me?
  2. JFSurvivor

    Why am I so happy?

    So today as I was walking the halls of my community college I ran in to an old school uh..."friend" of mine. His name is Sam. I had seen him a few times before and gave him weird looks in the halls cuz I didn't know if it was him or not. Any way I approached him, not knowing what to expect and...
  3. JFSurvivor

    Sermon at my church about husbands and wives

    So at my church there was a sermon about marraige and the stance that the pastor took was this: husbands love your wives; wives RESPECT your husbands. He explained it like this: women are wired to be loved, men are wired to be respected. Women need respect and men need love but women need love...
  4. JFSurvivor

    Father of lies (it's not satinic I promise) thoughts?
  5. JFSurvivor


    So today I texted this girl who is a Christian club. I had his heart I would no longer be attending because of my social anxiety and she said over we were really welcoming and I told her it was very intimidating when I would see pictures of them on Facebook being buddy buddy and hearing about...
  6. JFSurvivor


    I was going to make this into two posts but then I decided against it so there's going to be two parts to this. 1) Queen Vashti, was what she did good or bad? How I understand it is she refused to parade around naked in front of the kings friends. I looked it up online and someone described her...
  7. JFSurvivor


    Why is it that some Christians make it sound like they have never been hurt before. I'm soooo happy that Jesus is working in your life! Truely I am! But where is he in mine?? Why can't you accept me for where I am at this present moment instead of throwing a Bible verse in my face? Is it really...
  8. JFSurvivor

    Gods view on depression

    I'm just gonna break 1 Kings 19 apart and see where this takes me. 1 Kings 19:2 So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, "May the gods deal with me ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of of one of them." I'm not 100% sure on what this means but it...
  9. JFSurvivor


    So I have a boyfriend and he is Hispanic. We are having trouble communicating because it is socially acceptable to be more blunt in his culture and it's not that way in my culture. I usually get upset when he talks to me because of his bluntness. How can we work through this? Any advice?
  10. JFSurvivor

    Depression and prayer

    So today I was talking to my friends and I confessed that I was having a hard time praying. They said that it could have to do with my depression (it's gotten really bad as of late). What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it has to do with depression or something else?
  11. JFSurvivor


    I was listening to a podcast by irvin baxter and he mentioned a strangely familiar word: interfaithism. When i was in highschool I was very pressured to believe all five religions. As I was listening when he said interfaithism I thought why not make a post about this. This isn't about the end...
  12. JFSurvivor

    long list of prayer requests

    So I have been struggling with depression for a long time. It had gotten better but as of late it has gotten really bad. I don't know what to do. Also please pray that I can come to love these "popular girls" in this campus ministry at my college. They drive me up a wall because they don't...
  13. JFSurvivor

    My little Pony

    Does anyone on here watch My Little Pony? I know I am a bit old for it but so is my boyfriend and he loves it!! He got me hooked on the show about a year ago and I LOVE IT! Sooo yeah! :-D
  14. JFSurvivor


    Do we need to keep the sabbath? I dunno if I posted about this but I am still confused. Matthew 5:19 says that if you ignore the least of these commands you get the least position in heaven. So can someone please explain this to me? btw, what is the purpose of the Sabbath and why is it so hard...
  15. JFSurvivor

    end of days

    In Revelation 6:12 it talks about the sixth seal and how the moon will turn red and the stars falling to earth. What if those stars are bombs? It then goes on to explain how people run for cover and call out for God to save them. Well there are no athiests in fox holes right? only AFTER all that...
  16. JFSurvivor

    pledge in arabic

    Pledge of Allegiance Read in Arabic, Causing Uproar at New York High School - NBC News Saw this in my newsfeed. I am pretty disturbed by this because I wonder what name they used for God. What do you think?
  17. JFSurvivor

    church declares gay marriage christian

    The presbeteryan (i know I spelled that wrong) church is making gay marriage "christian"!!! :-C what are your thoughts on this??
  18. JFSurvivor

    big problem (please don't judge)

    So I have mentioned on here before how I struggled with homosexuality right? Well I have found myself being attracted to one of my good friends. No I do not want this. I am just as disgusted, if not more than you are. Please don't tell me how bad homosexuality is because I know. Please please be...
  19. JFSurvivor

    1 Corinthians 5

    1 Corinthians 5 talks about how we shouldn't interact with anyone who claims to be a Christian but isn't walking the walk. So how can we do this if 1) there are so many people like this out there? 2) how can we do this if we're not supposed to judge?
  20. JFSurvivor

    I think this song is christian <--- here's the lyric video Is this a Christian song? I always thought it was. Either way I LOVE THIS SONG! And it actually helped me with my relationship with God in a weird way. lol anyways, thoughts?