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  1. J

    No TV or movies?

    They need to get there individually. The idea of redeeming man one at a time is either; we have to see christ slain to restore us... again, or we finish the work for which we are called. Address the oppression of everyman and quickly. You believe b/c you have seen, blessed are those who believe...
  2. J

    Too late after our death?

    Thank you for sharing your fears. So God created reality to abide as long as the earth shall endure and set eternity in mens hearts, but your 67 years are all you shall know of his riches? Hard to believe.
  3. J

    Too late after our death?

    But people who's lot in this life being a good one, plenty of food, shelters, strength and health to work, having more then most everyone else in the world, Nice things, perhaps a new car with dressed in purple and fine leather, they are rich by comparison but in the end their riches are...
  4. J

    Too late after our death?

    The theme of this discussion is; threat of consequenses in the afterlife due to negligence in this life. To reassure the concerned, it was said the ten commandments are our moral foundation, to which i said, no, christ is our moral foundation, which you agree with when you say the moral law is...
  5. J

    Abortion - Bible and Feminism

    I want to address this question in my ignorance and disbelief. Like a fever is the result of an infection, abortion is the result of the work of the enemy of man in the world. just as cannibalism is wrong after the fact of murder, abortion happens at the second or third tier of wrongdoing. If...
  6. J

    Too late after our death?

    What does that mean to you, except righteousness is attributed to the law, whereas life is attributed to christ? Wonder what Stephen would have to say about that.
  7. J

    Does God contradict his own commandments?

    Precisely the mirroring of the deception forced on the Israelites. Take as an example: The epiphany of christ to paul. Did christ cut him to pieces using the laws of the israelites or did he not unscramble his brain by restoring his morality/logic/fellowship principles so that he could be a...
  8. J

    Does God contradict his own commandments?

    Friend, you have only peaked your head into the rabbit hole, turn back, turn back and stick your head in the sand, like everybody is. wait for the lord, wait for the lord. With that said, remember you are in a forum for debates. I will begin this lamentation with an aspirin and an invocation-...
  9. J

    Too late after our death?

    The moral law which men have in their hearts is christ, and was also there from the begining. Morality/logic/fellowship. By the laws given to men by the lord was christ killed, in violation of spoken law was A&E taken from Eden. They were not convicted by their christ logic/morality/fellowship...
  10. J

    Is satan a fallen angel?

    Have you gleaned all this from the bible? Have you examined the fall of the many nations of yesterday and surmised this is the plan for the whole world, no nation built of blood will stand, rome, alexandria greece etc. here in the world we do not listen to the evil one, all these paths end in...
  11. J

    No TV or movies?

    How reassuring it is to here someone say we are misled and oppressed and those who refuse to do evil are made into a prey, and how depressing it is in this context to read- they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with people who tell them what they want to here. Which is...
  12. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    From which well am i too draw my drink and answer? "What do you see wrong?" Of the bible, of life, of these posts? Which of all these seems right and proper to you?
  13. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    Here is something though. Mark 13 22. But of that day and hour no one know, not the, ah, angels, not even the son. So if mans operating system is of Christ does not include some things, If, what light is and what trees and seas and messengers of the spirit realm are of the operating system of...
  14. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    In that day you will realize, I am in you and your are in me and i am in the father. therefore God is God and Christ is God and We are God, then from whence comes sin? Discriptors of the the three appearances of God in the bible. No more no less. Names given- Therefore God gave him a name which...
  15. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    ? If today you hear his voice... Many will in that day say to me, did we not prophesy/ exorsize demons/ I will tell you plainly, i never knew you.
  16. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    So Christ is divided? Malachi 3 6, 1Corin. 1 13. Truly, i agree with you in ways you did not intend. I know that b/c you say Christ is God which is what we are taught, so we will attribute suffering and violence in our world to the justice of Christ, but recall the epiphany of christ to paul...
  17. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    In response to every post about sword fighting- Please put your sword away. Walk humbly before him, as though you did not need a sword in a chat room. And if your right arm is so strong, go, tear down every proud man you see, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, serve the lord god...
  18. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    Not angry, disappointed. One more group of people i have forced my fears upon only to have the sensation of teeth being sharpened upon me. From the religious i have so often heard, like i mentioned above, i was pitiful and should find christ or had to beg him on my knees to come into my life and...
  19. J

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    Oh you mean he's keeping a record of wrongs? Making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out... Wait; .Job 24 12. Didn't he, i think it, yeeees, it does say; I have come so they might have life and have it to the fullest. Forgive my.... sarcasm at your dismissal but even paul has a future hope...