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  1. JohnRH

    This is a biblical teaching on the flat earth theory.

    I actually watched the whole video. Early on he asserts that you would have to believe in the big bang in order to believe in a round, revolving earth because that's the only way such an earth could be put into motion. That's a mere assertion of which he made no attempt to support. It makes...
  2. JohnRH

    Religion Generates Evil

    I don't think the RCC is supposed to make us good; it's supposed to make itself rich and powerful. It's very existence depends upon it having our money and having control over us. The true body of Christ doesn't lift a finger to stay in existence. The one-time sacrifice of Christ on the...
  3. JohnRH


    Wow, that was a long-winded sermon. I hope Eutychus didn't doze off again.
  4. JohnRH


    I think you can 100% love someone and 100% hate them at the same time. Deuteronomy 13:6-11 doesn't sound like "soft" hate or "love less". When God says that your hand is to be first upon him, He's giving you an opportunity to demonstrate your love by making your stone-throw instantly mortal...
  5. JohnRH

    Is it hyper grace when you say you no longer are a sinner, but a saint?

    I didn't watch the video but a saint is a saved sinner.
  6. JohnRH


    Once upon a time an eternally secure, born-again man after God's own heart murdered a man named Uriah. David had eternal life but he didn't have eternal life abiding in him; he had cover-up abiding in him. Later on he evicted cover-up and invited eternal life back in.
  7. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    Where does the Bible say that that's why? No where. Also when God told Israel to possess Canaan, the Canaanites' physical sizes had nothing to do with the reason.
  8. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    Because it repented Him that He had made them. Genesis 6: 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his...
  9. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    This isn't one of them. Angels don't procreate with humans or animals, either one.
  10. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    That's fantasy. Scripture doesn't teach that nonsense. In your imagination, but not in Scripture.
  11. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    Yes He did. He created everything.
  12. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    God made the dinosaurs. Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing...
  13. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    It sounds like you were having a yaba daba do time. The universe is approximately 6,000 years old and Adam & Eve were the first-ever humans and progenated the only-ever human race . If you were taught differently you were taught wrong.
  14. JohnRH

    Where Did Cain find his two wives

    Right here: Genesis 5:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
  15. JohnRH

    Being Hard-Headed

    Let the Lord make you "hard-headed" against the evil of evil-doers. Ezekiel 3:7 But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted. 8 Behold, I have made thy face strong against their faces, and thy...
  16. JohnRH

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    Was that a school of piranhahahahaha?
  17. JohnRH

    Being 'gathered' means something different scripturally

    The passages ARE in English. I don't see what you're getting at.
  18. JohnRH

    gay bashing

    Are you singling these two out to bash them?
  19. JohnRH

    gay bashing

    It seems to me that they single themselves out. I've not heard of Adulterer Pride Month or Fornicator Pride, Idolater Pride, Drunkard Pride, of Liar Pride. Do liars insist that they were born with a lying orientation and should have legal rights to lie based on that?