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  1. JohnRH

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    The giants before the flood descended from Adam & Eve. The giants after the flood descended from Adam & Eve through Mr. & Mrs. Noah.
  2. JohnRH

    Eve's Morals

    I don't think it's a law, I think it's a judicial sentencing. Everything else in the passage is.
  3. JohnRH

    Is it one or the Other or Can Both Have Truth?

    Don't accept either of these man-made isms. Calvinism: Total inability = wrong, Unconditional election = wrong, Limited atonement = wrong, Irresistible grace = wrong Arminianaism: saints can loose their salvation = wrong.
  4. JohnRH

    Are You Proud of Your Heritage?

    Are you proud of your heritage? What did you do to merit it? Homie, did you choose your family and land? Are you proud of your heritage? Did you plan your own parentage? Did your birth come about at your demand? I was born an American and it's no more a fairer land than another's who was born...
  5. JohnRH

    Powered Parachute

    I went up in a powered parachute and glided above the trees the wind was gentle, the sky was calm The temperature in the seventies Faster means higher, slower means lower That way you control how high Pull down on the left, and left you'll go while over the fields you fly My trike hangs from a...
  6. JohnRH

    Be kind to your taste buds

    Little Charlie tasted a froggy Didn't like its taste one bit Tried to spit it out his mouthy But realized he swallowed it Mommy took him to the doc Doc said, "Remember to chew". Charlie said, "I would have, Doc, but down my throat he flew". And so be kind to your taste buds and avoid a bad...