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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    Yes, the thing for Christians to do is to pray against all these evil possibilities. And to pray daily for spiritual revival to take place in the USA and throughout the world
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    Sure, that's true for all those who die without the Lord! The beast pictured in Daniel and Revelation, I believe - pictures all unbelievers throughout world history, from beginning to end. And the devil is in control of that kingdom - the kingdom of this world. And the anti-Christ who will...
  3. MyrtleTrees


    Yes, well i can't help it - oh well! The Bible doesn't tell us how the Jewish calendar compares with the Roman calendar or our calendar. So it's no surprise people can't agree on how they compare. According to Genesis, the Sabbath day was the last day of the week. But who knows? Maybe...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    I pray against such forced and evil vaccinations! This year, there sure is a lot of evil things to pray against! And it's important to pray daily for spiritual revival to take place in the USA and the world, too! I pray for it 3 times a day, like Daniel.
  5. MyrtleTrees


    REMEMBER TO BE STRONG PRAYER WARRIORS DURING TIMES OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION I think there seems to be a danger for some Christians, of being overly "gloom & doom" in attitude towards the events of this year. true, there may be great dangers lurking - but that is nothing new. it is a time to take...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    What I mean is that they will obey him. They will allow him to rule over them.
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    Thankfully, it looks like Obama's guess turned out to be profoundly wrong, I believe! I realize some people get it, but it sounds like a very small number get it compared to other flu and viruses that go around. I'm thankful for any of your family or relatives who got the Coronovirus a d...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    There are a lot of scary-sounding possibilities about what might happen in the future, due to people's turning away from God, and due to the world governments working towards trying to develop a one-world government. But we who serve God, should become very faithful in serving God, in our...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    Yes, it's a reminder to keep praying hard about these things. And also for a spiritual revival to take place here in the USA and throughout the world.
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    I'm glad your business wasn't harmed by it! Yes, from the beginning, I also felt it must be a hoax and the more I studied the subject, the more confirmed I felt in my assumption of this! It is scary to see before our eyes, how large numbers of people can be fooled into believing lies, and...
  11. MyrtleTrees


    It's getting a bit clearer to me, but I'm still working on it. Going through that part in each of the gospels at this time. He rose on the first day of the week, I'll mention. So to me that day doesn't sound like a Saturday.
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    True, Christians need to learn not to cause divisions because of sincere differences of spiritual belief, as long as they are all true Christians as that is the important thing to agree on. No one can get to heaven without obtaining salvation through Jesus and according to God's Word!
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    I'm glad things have gotten back to more normal there in your church! Things are getting more normal for other churches too. I'm glad the ones you know of who got the sickness recovered! Interesting that it isn't known what made them recover. I don't trust many of the claims of the media...
  14. MyrtleTrees


    Yes, you're right - one of the Passover events must have been added by the Jews. In the first Passover meal Jesus had with His disciples,, He was arrested in the evening, it sounds like. His trial started the next morning. Matthew 27:1 He was crucified: On the same day of His trial...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus, being the form of God, said to Jews "you have not seen His form." Why?

    True, Jesus always relied on the Father's direction as to what He should do in all matters. Just like we never take any actions before deciding with our hearts and minds as to what to do. He was careful to show reverence to the Father, and to do HIs will, because He needed to be a good...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Let God's Word guide you instead of fears - such as the "Coronovirus hoax"

    Christians are not to allow fears, such as what I call, "The Coronvirus hoax" (hoax in that it is profoundly overly-exaggerated) to rule in their lives. Unless they will be persecuted for not complying to their cruel (at least the ones where these absurd rules originate from - and from evil...
  17. MyrtleTrees


    Well maybe it was an accurate clock I found. But if so, it doesn't correlate with the time the Passover Lamb was to be eaten in Old Testament times, which was said to be in the evening. And any remainders of it were to be disposed of being morning. Lev 23:5 5 In the fourteenth day of the...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus, being the form of God, said to Jews "you have not seen His form." Why?

    True, God's 3 roles are not to be confused with each other. God wants us to recognize them all. But all His 3 parts represented the deity of God. And God is just one God. And it would be blasphemy to call Jesus "only human." And blasphemy to not acknowledge the deity of Jesus. 1 John...
  19. MyrtleTrees


    Yes, God gives the gift of eternal life in heaven to true believers. Those who die without the Lord, have eternal life too - but in hell. Jesus never raised dead people to life, who were not believers.