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  1. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    How does one determine what that Truth is? Fundamentalism is a form of idolatry because it makes the Bible into an idol to be interpreted by local leaders. In its modern form fundamentalism was basically started by Martin Luther and other reactionary Protestants in their fight against the...
  2. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    If different beliefs do not lead to different experiences, should we not just discard talking about beliefs so as to use our minds for more important things?
  3. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    These are good statements when taken in the context of early Jewish scripture from which the modern Bible developed. Israelite religion was started by Moon worshipers from Mesopotamia. Moon worship was associated with intellectual power, as opposed to military power, which was associated with...
  4. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    "Convoluted whimsies" is an insult. What in your life has led to using word theft and insults as a way of relating to other people?
  5. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I have come to this authority by developing the ideas. People who refuse to review my ideas, because I did not first get permission to develop them are just removing themselves from being able to say whether they are correct or not. I have expressed my ideas to lots of people and lots of people...
  6. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    O.K. How do you think your experience differs from others with different beliefs?
  7. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I can't answer yes or no. because I am ignostic, i.e., do not believe that "god" is a useful term in describing people's religions. How happy it will make people and how many of life's problems it solves will largely depend on them and how they have done in their vision quest. There is a...
  8. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    ---- Actually face-to-face conversations with my neighbors go quite well. I can tailor my comments immediately to their understanding. Put me in front of a computer and by habit I will start writing a thesis. I was having a great time talking to my neighbors for about a week between the campus...
  9. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Well the gamma ray burst only took a couple of seconds, but it took millions of years for the whole process of storing and distributing the highly active chemicals to take place. When dealing with planetary science and astrobiology you have to be patient.
  10. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    "The medieval Shield of the Trinity graphically matches the truth values from the Polish school of logic. "God" is "true". "The Father" creates "physical" being. "The Son" oversees "information". "The Holy Spirit" motivates "consciousness". "False" is not shown. The fact that the verb "to be" is...
  11. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    The medieval Shield of the Trinity graphically matches the truth values from the Polish school of logic. "God" is "true". "The Father" creates "physical" being. "The Son" oversees "information". "The Holy Spirit" motivates "consciousness". "False" is not shown. The fact that the verb "to be" is...
  12. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    The word "god" means different things to different people. In general it means divine order. I say that reality exists so that we have a place in which to be in community. I often use the phrase "collective consciousness". I do not believe in the creeds of Christianity that describe "god" in...
  13. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    Imagine yourself as someone with such great power that you could organize a master conspiracy that would bring the entire world under their control. Look at the great power of technology to destroy the world. Imagine what would happen if this power were just left in the hands of belligerent...
  14. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I have become embroiled in a struggle with promoters of anti-religious scientism after presenting a theory that life on Earth started on a minor early solar system body I call Ushas. The fundamental idea is that life started with the convergence of a unique, or nearly-unique, set of...