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  1. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    I take it that for ethical reasons you would not organize the Master Conspiracy. I also asked a final question assuming that someone else already has. If your no is also for that question, what are the reasons for your answer? Maybe your answer is just for the title.
  2. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    God's ways are higher by definition. I do not believe in everything else in a literal sense. Some of the stories are a complicated mixture of fact and fiction. New Jerusalem is an example. It is an impossibly large cube with a rich metaphorical interpretation.
  3. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I focus on numerical passages to construct a timeline for history. I, of course, have to also interpret passages that give a context. I doubt that most of what I am deeply interpreting are the parts of the Scriptures that are meant to be easily understood for spiritual guidance.
  4. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    If you keep it, I suggest making it dark enough to easily read, It was so light that I did not even read it before replying to the references.
  5. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I can hardly assume anything else. I asked a question concerning one phrase; and your answer contained the other phrase.
  6. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    You are assuming that "New Jerusalem" and the "kingdom of heaven" are the same thing. If their literary contexts are different, then they are different. "New Jerusalem" is an end times concept. Jesus's ministry was almost 2000 years earlier.
  7. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I did not say I was going elsewhere. I can expect a small minority who want to get their way to deliver a barrage when I enter a forum. When they get tired I can then talk to others in a more civil manner and learn what they are thinking.
  8. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    So what is it that I am not understanding? Your statement is consistent with what I said. Both our statements are cerebral, since they are in writing. As for your use of the word "snarky", I am not being snarky. I am not being derogatory in an indirect way. I am trying to be as direct as I can...
  9. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Kim, I use a search engine many times a day to better understand words and phrases. I think every phrase you list is in a Wikipedia entry. Start with a general search engine first, e.g., Google. The Wikipedia search engine usually requires matching the title of the entry exactly to get a direct...
  10. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    With which scripture do you back this up? The conclusion of Revelation is New Jerusalem which descends from heaven. It is not in heaven.
  11. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Now you are talking nonsense by injecting irrelevant mathematical terms into the conversation.
  12. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I know that the phrase "intellectual power" is not in the old writings. I am writing to make things comprehensible for a modern audience.
  13. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    No mistake. The Decalogue is definitely a longer statement of principles. You are just giving an alternative shorter version. Note that I said the commandments were not limited to the Decalogue
  14. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    You also seem to like to pontificate on ambiguous points of definition that have no great significance. This one goes into the ignostic waste basket.
  15. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Besides philosophical compatibility, the evidence for Israelite religion coming from Mesopotamian Moon worship is that the founder came from the two cities that were the centers of Moon worship and his cohort had names from that subculture. What is your evidence against?
  16. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    "Activity" is a thermodynamic term. I use the word "active" because it only contains two syllables. It means that the form and concentration of the molecules are favorable for reactions that produce desired chemicals, mostly biological monomers in this case. When you "destroy" molecules with...
  17. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I will confess to not being able to read the Bible in the original languages it which it was written. Can you? I have to resort to commentary to separate meanings that are conflated in English. "Knowledge" is an umbrella term in English, so your quotation is nearly useless.