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  1. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Read what someone says before you run off and claim what they are saying is false! I said that a few prophecies were not attributable to rewriting. You are just presenting one of those of which I was thinking. Your details are disputable. Most of them depend on the New Testament, so fall under...
  2. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Nearly all great cultural heroes have their biographies rewritten by later generations to be more supernatural. For the New Testament this is understood to have occurred by the late first century. Thus most of the "prophecies" there based on the Old Testament can be explained by authors having...
  3. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    If you are correct, it is sad to hear that "most" people on a forum will not read an original post that is one and a half screens long. I set that as my normal limit. It is long enough to give a detailed enough picture for people to picture an appropriate response. It is not so long, however...
  4. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    ev4989, I asked several questions and made several statements. The response "no" can often be interpreted in two different ways. Since you did not append any statement to your "no", I have little idea what you are trying to say.
  5. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    no... What? Please offer some reasons for your opinion. I am trying to elicit a discussion, not take a poll.
  6. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    There has been more than one Christian view on creation. The Roman Catholic Church has had a dual view on the nature of the universe. There is both a non-geocentric and a geocentric view. The non-geocentric view has evolved into Big Bang cosmology with a distinct starting point. The geocentric...
  7. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    After I got an uncomfortable feeling of an impasse in understanding, I reread the posts. I was drawn to your statement, "if news is all that is watched and discussed fear can easily enter. Just my thoughts." I strongly agreed with your statement. I think that fear is counteracted by knowledge...
  8. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    I apologize for not making it clear that my statements about confusion, negativity, and inaction were not personally directed at you. They were a philosophical statement directed at the entire world. I thought I had made it clear by talking about broader events that happened outside of even the...
  9. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Science is following a set of scientific principles. It is not about having a credential. When people print credentials, claim that anything scientific said by someone who does not have one of their credentials is nonsense, and fail to follow scientific principles, that is scientism. It's part...
  10. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Well, the proponents of anti-religious scientism that I mentioned in the first paragraph of my OP are quite strong, aren't they? Do you wish to be an ally of theirs in keeping science and religion separate by censoring scientific truth? How do you feel about the fact that they are out to crush...
  11. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I have discontinued my conversation with posthuman, because he is just wasting my time with straw man and other fallacious arguments. I am also going to act on my complaint in the chat proper that he has just been nitpicking and presenting nonsense, and will stop responding to him here. I...
  12. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I never said they were pagan. Please stop making me respond to you by insinuating that I said something that I did not.
  13. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    That is not a very friendly statement! I am sure, however, that I will never experience what you experienced because I am a different person.
  14. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    Judaism really became defined when the Israelite kingdom split to become Judea and Samaria. Earlier when Ramesses the Great came to power and asserted greater control over Canaan many, e.g., Moses, moved to trans-Jordan. Yet earlier Abraham came from Mesopotamia. Judaism developed over a long...
  15. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    New religions split off from older ones and retain much of the culture of their predecessors. The most peculiar new part of the Israelite culture was its extreme literacy. They used an alphabet written on papyri to make their their literature mobile. Many of the surrounding cultures then copied...
  16. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    You are not answering my question. I asked for a description of personal experience, not quotes from scripture.
  17. L

    Is believing in the Master Conspiracy good sense?

    I made my post with questions to elicit good discussion. I already had my answers to the questions I posed. I understood that this crisis was concocted right from the beginning because I have studied historical events, e.g., Pearl Harbor and the collapse of the Twin Towers. You have a good...
  18. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    We have no convincing evidence that God chooses to act in a supernatural way, especially when it relates to giant cities. Btw There are ancient reports of an ark on Mt Ararat that is presumed to be have been built by survivalist cult. There is no evidence for a flood that reached to the top of...
  19. L

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    You are right. My statement was not consistent with "hid these things from the wise and prudent". I need some sleep too.