Search results

  1. Victor1999

    Why do Israeli's HATE Christians-?

    I've read Romans 11 and I know that God hasn't rejected the Israelites. That doesn't mean he approves of their satanic Talmud. So you live by the talmud? You're probably the only person claiming to be a Christian who does, and for a good reason. You must also avoid going near crosses, because...
  2. Victor1999

    Not By Works

    I can't speak for God, but I think what he intended by giving us salvation apart from works, is that we will do good deeds out of love and not to earn something in return. Like children wanting to please their parents are forgiven for their mistakes, unlike workers who are expected to do their...
  3. Victor1999

    Why do Israeli's HATE Christians-?

    I haven't just visited Israel, I work with Jews daily at my factory. I'm not speaking my own words, that's what is written in their book and what they say will happen to me. Do you think it is okay that the Babylonian Talmud says in Gittin 57a says our Lord and Savior is in boiling excrement in...
  4. Victor1999

    Would my servants fight?

    He is ה' צבאות - The Commander of Heaven's Armies! "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53). The servants of John 19:36 are both the disciples and the angels as I see it. Jesus is saying that he could...
  5. Victor1999

    Drawing requests: food

    I'll order a small serving of locusts and honey thanks!!
  6. Victor1999

    Does the Bible really say that the world is flat?

    Flat Earth refers to the general shape of the world. Is it a sphere or more like a map? It is said that with all of the world's mountains and valleys it is still smoother than a marble because it is so big. I'm not saying the earth is flat, but I also don't want to base my understanding of the...
  7. Victor1999

    Hello all.

    Welcome Dan! I'm glad to read that you're seeking Christ, the only God who can save us. If you can look back to days when you didn't even know or care about God, and now you do, you've already made much progress in your faith. By believing and living by the truth we received from God in the...
  8. Victor1999

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Saul, the first king of Israel, has angered God with what he had done. Saul's kingdom was surrounded by enemies and God didn't answer Saul by prophets or dreams anymore. Saul decided to disturb the dead prophet Samuel by consulting a medium. I do not know her name, but she lived in a place...
  9. Victor1999

    Does the Bible really say that the world is flat?

    The shape of the world has no religious importance, but I've been thinking about it for a long time, that if there is an edge of the world I would love to see it. I know the Bible says there are four corners to the earth, that it is like a circle (or round?):unsure:, that the skies are stretched...
  10. Victor1999

    Hi, I'm New

    Hello, I was born in Israel and never left it even for a moment! But on signing up for this forum I was asked to choose two flags, and my entire family is Russian, except for my grandfather who was a Jew. Without my grandfather's insistence on moving to Israel I would probably be German or...
  11. Victor1999

    Why do Israeli's HATE Christians-?

    I live in Israel. Jews have went far from the Old Testament because of "oral law" given by rabbis who claim it was given to them from Moses. They wrote that man-made law in their books the Talmuds, where they also slandered Christ and His followers. Erubin 21b: "My son, be more careful in the...
  12. Victor1999

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to CChat (y) So many people came to welcome you, I'm "jelly":( I hope you enjoy your time here :)
  13. Victor1999

    Hi, I'm New

    My name Victor from Israel nice to meet you (y)
  14. Victor1999

    Please Share With Me Your Testimonies!

    My story of the beginning of my faith is pretty simple. By logic and observation I realized there is surely a devil in the world. By more logic I reasoned that if there is a devil there is also a Holy God that it is rebelling against. I was afraid of the devil so I came to God who can save me...
  15. Victor1999

    The Weeb Thread

    Hi all Sorry to be a party pooper but Waifu is bad it is just like idolatry!! Speaking of anime, I do like, but it is difficult to find one that is not contaminated with ungodly topics. I like to watch the new shows that are released every season. My favorite shows are those dramas about...
  16. Victor1999

    Ask the user below you a question

    My favorite city Jerusalem it is very pretty and has interesting history My question next What is a question you've been thinking about for a long time and haven't found an answer for yet??
  17. Victor1999

    till death do us part...BUT divorce is unacceptable??

    I hear about bad marriages often, and the book of the old testament prophet Hosea always comes to mind. In one place it says: "Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods." I highly recommend that you read through the entire book, it is not that long. I'm not saying...
  18. Victor1999

    The Jewish people in prophecy

    Hosea is talking about the kingdom of Israel as opposed to the kingdom of Judah. Hosea's book opens with these words: "The message of God that was given to Hosea son of Beeri in the days of Uzziah, Yotam, Ahaz and Yehizkiah the Kings of Judah, and in the times of Jeroboam son of Yoash, the king...
  19. Victor1999

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    This topic worries me daily and I haven't found a clear answer yet. But I do know for sure that in Jeremiah 31 of the Old Testament it is written that the New Covenant will be nothing like the Mosaic one. Brothers, please keep this promise in mind as you continue this discussion because God is...
  20. Victor1999

    The Lord Creates Evil

    Remember in the New Testament when it said that the foolishness of God is wiser than the best of human wisdom, and in another place where it said that God's anger is righteous and just unlike human anger. It is the same here. God's evil is Justice, which is Holy and good. I think this is the...