Search results

  1. Victor1999

    Why do so many Christians end up in Hell?

    The verse is true and I am also correct. Let me explain myself: who does the Bible say is 'asleep in Christ'? There are verses in God's Word that speak of the resurrection of the saints to eternal life.
  2. Victor1999

    I'm worried I may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit with my thoughts

    This brings something to mind. I live among the Jews, who do not shave or cut their hair for a few weeks after Passover. Earlier this year I overheard one telling another, "Avichai, I am so scared! I forgot it was forbidden to shave and accidentally removed a few hairs from my beard. I hope God...
  3. Victor1999

    Ezekiel's Temple

    My understanding is that Ezekiel's Temple is the temple the 2nd Temple should have been, and the temple that the 3rd Temple will be. It is the perfect model for a Temple of God. The temple belongs in Jerusalem, or New Jerusalem. If the temple was symbolic and not a physical temple then...
  4. Victor1999

    Why do so many Christians end up in Hell?

    What makes you think that the soul is judged **before** the judgement?
  5. Victor1999

    Why do so many Christians end up in Hell?

    The Bible says that the just will come back to life during the first resurrection when Christ returns. If they are alive in Heaven they can't come back to life from death because they are already alive. I don't understand you
  6. Victor1999

    Why do so many Christians end up in Hell?

    The Bible plainly says that the dead will be brought back to life to be judged. Read the book of revelation.
  7. Victor1999

    Why do so many Christians end up in Hell?

    I don't think there's anyone in Hell yet because the resurrection for judgement hasn't happened yet. They are in the ground waiting for it. If everyone who died is already in heaven or hell then who will be resurrected to be judged? The graves would be empty of souls. And speaking of judgement...
  8. Victor1999

    What do you believe and why do you believe it?

    You keep playing logic games with us. Even if for some reason you believed that Satan is good, it was God's Word the Holy Bible that told you about satan in the first place, meaning that God also exists. And if he exists then the Bible testifies to His Goodness. Who does the devil want to nail...
  9. Victor1999

    What do you believe and why do you believe it?

    You're playing mind games with us and fooling yourself with complex logical operations. The truth is simple but you would never accept a simple solution. You go the long way because you're so sober and wise! The more you search the farther you move from God, because His Words are near the heart...
  10. Victor1999

    Understanding Church History

    Nobody wants to be miserable just for the sake of being miserable. It is against human nature to desire suffering without any gain. Whenever I am in pain I think of how this is only the smallest fraction of what I truly deserve for my deeds. This helps me appreciate what God has done for us, so...
  11. Victor1999

    Understanding Church History

    Yes, I was reading about them yesterday. Some used it to humble themselves, using it as a reminder of their sinfulness so they won't become proud. Others preached that their self inflicted suffering cleansed them of sin, which is obviously a dangerous teaching, our sins are forgiven through the...
  12. Victor1999

    Understanding Church History

    During black death there was a group of believers who practiced self harm in hopes that God will have mercy on them and save them from the disease because of their actions. What do you think about them?
  13. Victor1999

    Who was Moses speaking to?

    Hello, The strangers among the Hebrews were gentiles who lived with them.
  14. Victor1999

    Deuteronomy 30:11 opinions/meaning?

    You're all right, but that's not my question. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough so I'll ask again: How is it possible that the Hebrews have returned from exile even though they had not obeyed the book of instruction? What is this book of instruction anyways, is it not the laws of Moses? Did Jesus...
  15. Victor1999

    Deuteronomy 30:11 opinions/meaning?

    "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." Original: כִּי הַמִּצְוָה הַזֹּאת, אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם--לֹא-נִפְלֵאת הִוא מִמְּךָ, וְלֹא רְחֹקָה הִוא Literal translation (my own understanding): For this commandment which I command you...
  16. Victor1999

    Favorite Scripture Song?

    It's in Hebrew, but you won't find much interesting stuff if you look him up. He is a Jew, but I found this song relevant to Christianity. His name is Haim Israel. Haim means "Life" and it's a real name, not a stage name.
  17. Victor1999

    Favorite Scripture Song?

    Sorry that it's not in English, but recently I've been listening to this one alot. It's about the famous Psalms 23 and I like it very much.
  18. Victor1999

    Looking for Christian friends

    Welcome new ones, I am also relatively new here. I am 20 years old from Israel, nice to meet you, good to see so many young Christians. We are the next generation (y)(y)
  19. Victor1999

    Free Will verses Fate/Divine Intervention: Judas Iscariot "free will" verses Saul/Paul "fate"

    God knows what we will do in any situation that we are put in and how it will affect everyone and everything around us. Nobody can ask him why things are the way they are, but we can be sure that it is the best we can get with the choices we've made, and that is not necessarily the best for...
  20. Victor1999

    Ask the user below you a question

    I have two dogs that I did not name myself. The first one is a tiny black dog called Rain (גשם), she was an abandoned 9 months old dog that a charity organization picked up. She received that name at the organization, and for lack of creativity I kept it. Five years later I adopted my second dog...