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  1. salvation_child


    Do not worry so much. She is a still a baby and perhaps she doesnt understand exactly what she is saying. You as the parent should sit her down and ask her questions regarding her shocking statements. Calm down my dear, I'm pretty sure everything will be just fine. I will keep your family in my...
  2. salvation_child

    My cousin Thad just died.

    I pray Jesus holds the family in His hands and comfort them. I will keep them in my prayers. I have lost a very good family friend 2 weeks ago. We all have to go but some will go before others, all we have to do is pray and follow Jesus' teaching so that ur dying day will be the BEST day ever...
  3. salvation_child

    Here It Is! The Big, Honkin' List of Everything You are Looking for in a Spouse. :)

    Haha! Lol yes I know we women can be a handful sometimes but we mean well :) .......(most of the times :unsure: lol )
  4. salvation_child

    A New Member's First Impression

    Thank you ever so much and I welcome you too :) I hope you have a great time on here just like I have :D
  5. salvation_child

    A New Member's First Impression

    Hi Everyone, As you may have already know, I am a new member and I must that it feels great to be involved in such an awesome community of believers. I have met quite a few interesting people and have come to know a bit about them. There are many threads on here with interesting topics that I...
  6. salvation_child

    This Should TERRIFY All True Christians!

    Benny Hinn is a false preacher and is using the name of Jesus for monetary gain. I really enjoy watching street preachers and I admire their courage. This young lady has a serious problem, she seems to be brainwashed thinking that God lves her no matter what she believes. Thats a lie. These...
  7. salvation_child

    It's the Gender Exchange Thread!

    I remember loving a particular amine for 'boys only' when I was younger but that didnt stop me from enjoying the series up to this day. I guess when some people go overboard then its a problem but honestly I dont think certain activities must be labeled as for 'boys or girls. I pray about all my...
  8. salvation_child

    Christian Movie Suggestions??

    Wow thank you so much, I am definitely gonna look into it
  9. salvation_child

    Are there foods a Christian should avoid?

    Lol I eat turkey bacon dear. My family arent fond of eating pork and so I was raised thinking its bad for me.
  10. salvation_child

    Are there foods a Christian should avoid?

    I try and avoid eating pork.
  11. salvation_child

    Christian Movie Suggestions??

    Hi everyone, I am seeking suggestions for some good christian movies out there. I have watched a couple and wants to watch more during my spare time. I would really appreciate if you would comment below movies that you think are perfect for a young christian to watch. :)