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  1. salvation_child

    What are your thoughts on Near Death Experiences?

    Yes its definitely possible that they are doing it just to profit from it. Its crazy how most publish books and do audio tapes and then sell them to people around the world.
  2. salvation_child

    Just trying to make friends!

    Hi Bon! Great having you here! You will meet some pretty awesome people on here who could become your friend. I am fairly new here and I have made quite a few. Im not so sure about the boyfriend part but just socialize and meet new people, pray and see where it goes from there on. I wish you all...
  3. salvation_child

    What are your thoughts on Near Death Experiences?

    That was very informative Chester, I had no idea such experiences are in the Bible. Thank you so much!
  4. salvation_child

    Hello, my name is Michael.

    WELCOME!!!! I hope you enjoy your time here. :D:D
  5. salvation_child

    Garlic Milk Remedies for Sleepness

    Lol me neither
  6. salvation_child

    A Love Story for ALL SIngles:

    This was soooo beautiful! It brought joy to my heart. Please continue to write like this...I love it! :love::love:
  7. salvation_child

    Speak Your Mind.

    If the devil reminds you of your past remind him of his future. Ready of not, The King is coming.... :)
  8. salvation_child

    Garlic Milk Remedies for Sleepness

    Ginger tea is okay with me. Basically anything but garlic lol
  9. salvation_child

    Thou shalt not kill

    I dont believe that there are any exceptions to this.
  10. salvation_child

    Nice to meet you.. :)

    Welcome Hannah! Indeed God is faithful and he never leaves us. He is so great :love:
  11. salvation_child

    Hey there. New to this app :)

    Welcome to CC Diana! So great to have you here :)
  12. salvation_child

    Garlic Milk Remedies for Sleepness

    I hate garlic! I cook with it and thats about it. I know people who dice it and take with water. Its very good for the hair and body but I personally do not see myself trying this.
  13. salvation_child

    Talking to the dead.

    Personally I believe its wrong to contact the dead. They are most likely demons rather than our loved ones who have passed on. The bible forbids us from doing these things
  14. salvation_child

    What are your thoughts on Near Death Experiences?

    That was so beautiful, indeed he was with you at that point. Thank you ever so much for sharing your experience with me and I truly appreciate it :)
  15. salvation_child

    Romance/Love Stories

    I havent got a husband but I guess I still have a lot of years left to get married considering I am only 24 years old. I am hopeful that God will lead him to me sometime soon lol :)
  16. salvation_child

    Romance/Love Stories

    Dont feel sad my dear. You will find someone soon. I believe God will lead her to you when you least expect it :)
  17. salvation_child

    Married Single Parent, When You Can't Help

    Remaining in an abusive relationship/marriage for the sake of your children is NOT the way to go. I would suggest she leaves and take her sons before its too late. If hes capable of hurting himself then hes capable of hurting everyone else INCLUDING her and the children.
  18. salvation_child

    What are your thoughts on Near Death Experiences?

    I've come across several videos and articles online where people have been said to have a near death experience or an ''outter body experience''. Some are very convincing but are these testimonies true? I think they are real and it does happen to some people. Nothing is impossible with Jesus...
  19. salvation_child

    Jesus Seen in the Sky?

    Oh my goodness, it is so beautiful! I wish I was there to witness such a heavenly sight :love::love: