Search results

  1. Mii

    How far away are you willing to date?

    Far. I would relocate if necessary. It seems to make sense to gauge if it's the right relationship, having some real space. Seems like it'd get the fuzzies out or not. There's a lot of groundwork that can be done via the snail mail. I would love to start a penpal relationship from the get...
  2. Mii

    I think I’m gay

    The reason why he didn't say it "again" is because it was already said. Paul even showed surprise at one point in the NT where he seemed baffled that he even needed to point out a particular sexual relationship as forbidden for christians. I presume because it is stated clearly in the OT with no...
  3. Mii

    No more Pig Meat!

    I am referring to the passage in corinthians in case that was unclear. If so I apologize. I'm a fan of the passage in Psalms and think "that" at least could be used in your assertion, whether I agree or disagree with it. You did not explain why you think just because a passage talks at length...
  4. Mii

    No more Pig Meat!

    First (and hopefully only) angry reaction on this site. Please don't cherry pick scriptures. This verse in corinthians is about communion and drinking in an unworthy manner. Re-read the rest of the passage if you would or explain why you felt like that has anything to do with eating pork. I...
  5. Mii

    Have a little food saved up just in case.

    Is dehydrating really that expensive? I thought that was a viable solution... as well as "Jerkifying" your meat. I know little about these processes but it seems it adds shelf-life considerably, either for at home DIY or sales.
  6. Mii

    Did God learn anything by becoming man?

    As with a lot of things in can know something intellectually and not "know" it. From my earliest memories omniscience has been taught. As a trivia question I've always known the answer. Actually understanding the fulness of that and how my own limited mind is unable to grasp...
  7. Mii

    Is this a sin?

    You just posted the same message to two people. May I ask why? I did not claim such in my post and I am surprised you drew that. I'll let the second poster speak for themselves but admission of sin doesn't exactly make sense that they are claiming to be sinless. Unless of course you mean...
  8. Mii

    I think I’m gay

    I offered some. As have others. I don't think Tourist was meaning to be insulting or anything btw. In either case, it's not unreasonable to not expect some things that feel like "barbs" when someone is considering a course of action that the word calls sinful. Have you read what scripture...
  9. Mii

    "There's someone out there for everyone"

    Yes alas it seems so. Much the same way a person can be called to the mission field or the pastorate and some just work a day job and go to church and lead a "regular" life. People say your workplace is your ministry but it is certainly not the same. People come to church intentionally for Jesus...
  10. Mii

    "There's someone out there for everyone"

    You know that actually brought a laugh. You are correct that it isn't anything "strictly" positive. Peacocking is something that I've "shied" away from like a stabled pony. A dodo is somewhat of an "endearing" bird. It's err...different. I wouldn't say negative just acquired taste. I...
  11. Mii

    So I'm totally against alcohol, am I being totally judgmental?

    I have a lot to say about alcohol, but this doesn't seem to as much about alcohol as your lack of acceptance of people that consume. What did Jesus say to Peter when he asked about John "Lord what about this man?" ^This is the same mentality that I have to bring about myself consistently...
  12. Mii

    "There's someone out there for everyone"

    Well @Kojikun if it makes you feel any better...I'm 28 sans a romantic relationship. I've been on one "date" to homecoming when I was 14. Do I believe in the Soul mate concept? No strictly speaking. I do think there are some people that the Lord made compatible with many people...imagine...
  13. Mii

    All aboard the “I’m a nobody in this world’s eyes” train

    Umm...I thought you had a job? I have 6 of those on the list loosely. I'm not overweight but I am incredibllllllly out of shape which is not practically good stewardship. I got winded just using a hand truck for some potting soil for my mom and my legs were on FIRE. Finally though late last...
  14. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Alas for this letter. When I originally did this one night I picked the only X word I could think of in scripture (Xerxes). Last night I was wondering if a skip would be appropriate... but...I settled on Xmas. I just looked it up in the dictionary and apparently X is from Chi. Which is...
  15. Mii

    Two Crows Hunker Down Near the Ocean Reluctantly Camping

    It says no camping...It does not say "No Roosting" ;)
  16. Mii

    Granddaughter doesn't Drive

    I had a male friend of mine that didn't get his license until he was out of college. He had to have been 23 or so... Did I understand it? Nope. Everyone has some sort of a quirk and I wouldn't exactly begrudge the extra time spent with someone giving them a ride. There's a cool little bit of...
  17. Mii

    Animals in Heaven

    Ty @Diakonos for post #40 I have long understood that the we have a body, soul, spirit. I do agree that the heart is the spirit and I have come to understand that a bit deeper as of late. What confuses me sometimes is the unique relationship that the mind has between flesh and spirit almost as a...
  18. Mii

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    With any scammer, running them through the paces will put up red flags. Pressure is what the "con" is about... If she were to lead out with her lack of comfort in basically cold calling (due to the subject) and he was very accommodating with a friend listening in or something that would be my...
  19. Mii

    Who All Would Like to See a Matchmaking Thread Here in Singles?

    I don't see how it would really work...but I'm open to it. Being single all my life and knowing some of the ways the Lord has worked for others...mayhaps something productive comes in an area that at this point there is a battle against some bitterness. Perhaps not real matchmaking but some...
  20. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    V is for Vengeance. Serious but only the Lord can execute vengeance...that's why when we think we do, it is simply called "re"venge.