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  1. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    I can do a somewhat improvised unique format to music that would be like "the carlton" but with a lot of variation in movements. In fact, family named it something quite similar. Hmm...on a scale of annoying is the bark of a dog?
  2. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    I think they have white deer at Rock I've seen those lol. @Mel85 definitely a horse. I would like to ride a camel for a day some day just to say I've done it, but a horse is more reliable :P What did you eat for dinner?
  3. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    Something that I have too much of and need to cut back and not cut out.... Taters. All types of taters... Have you ever seen a bear?
  4. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    Well err...lately yes. "Going" to sleep is stressful. It is quite rare for it to take less than 15 minutes to "fall asleep" usually more like an hour. So my solution is usually to stay up far later than is reasonable for a productive living schedule more often than not and it doesn't really work...
  5. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    B ~ Beautiful one... (insert worship song here)
  6. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    Well historically Coca-cola...but until this past week, it had been well over a year since I had any soda (maybe a sprite, not certain). A nice lady at Burger king gave me a free one, so I just went with it. It was a nice day and I saw it as a blessing. Do you find seldom, occasionally, often...
  7. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    Well, sometimes. Recently I heard that it's some type of chemical response to distress that makes it smell that way... That may affect my enjoyment of the smell...but I do adore the smell of grass after it rains (and concrete for some reason lol) Winter I like if there is snow and fire but...
  8. Mii

    Ask the user below you a question

    Just the back once or twice to make it even with the front, but not an actual "cut". I see there has been a new post but the same question so I'll let this one ride. Feel free to answer or not :p Do you like the smell of fresh cut grass? (freshly mown lawn).
  9. Mii

    Not a “President” Trump fan BUT news media,U have gone TOO FAR!

    Were it not for this post Zues and Roxanne would probably be forever a long forgotten memory. That's it right?
  10. Mii

    Natural Family Planning

    Err, yes...clarification please. I only did a simple search and based off that...naturally you could either do the "catholic" method of timing cycles or abstaining. Is this what you mean? Herbally there are options...but a lot of those are quite risky and pharmakeia at worst depending on what...
  11. Mii

    Things NOT to say on your first date....

    Wow that is rather "voluminous" ...maybe hoop skirts also?
  12. Mii

    Things NOT to say on your first date....

    Well, perhaps this is meant to be funny and lighthearted...once again I seem to maybe have stumbled into the wrong thread :P Joking hasn't netted me a catch so to speak but hmmm.... "Before you ask, that dress does make you look fat? but err, I'm sure it's just the dress but it's a typical...
  13. Mii

    What is The difference between BORN AGAIN and REPENT

    I will agree that our spirit should not desire to sin, but consider Romans chapter 7 (particularly beginning in vs 16) So you would say that anyone that falls into sin after being born again wasn't ever saved to begin with? There's a bit more I'd like to say but perhaps after reading that...
  14. Mii

    It's the Official Singles Forum DIY Matchmaking Thread! (Whether for Friendships or Dating.)

    My most recent ones (last time I played Xbox was in September I think)... PointlessForay and last time I played a console non-live game the file was named "Y" as in why???
  15. Mii

    It's the Official Singles Forum DIY Matchmaking Thread! (Whether for Friendships or Dating.)

    Yeah lol, I actually meant to post something there also. I got hit pretty hard by the last section and it's been on my mind off an on...just ways I've fed my flesh in the past and some of the results it has had. So yeah it slipped my mind enough that I forgot to even post my name and tried to...
  16. Mii

    My Native Side:

    I may look into that, ty for the info. I saw your post earlier but I got a bit distracted by something. It'd would pretty neat to connect with some NA in person. My fire penchant might make a little more sense in certain circles. It definitely does in some pagan groups, but I refuse to believe...
  17. manger.jpg


    Mangers are odd little things. They're feeding troughs, of course. In ancient Israel, they were made of stone. They're not super-comfortable, but you know what? In a pinch, they can be kind of protective. That's why experts -priests who lived near Bethlehem, near a hill known for raising...
  18. Mii

    It's the Official Singles Forum DIY Matchmaking Thread! (Whether for Friendships or Dating.)

    Alas, question 1... Idk about names. I skipped it before and meant to come back. Something felt unfinished but I couldn't pinpoint it ;) I don't see names as exceptionally important when monikers are used often enough. Or even titles. When needing to specify names are quite helpful, but then we...
  19. Mii

    It's the Official Singles Forum DIY Matchmaking Thread! (Whether for Friendships or Dating.)

    Discussion Ideas/Helpful Information: 1. Name/What You Want to Be Called: 2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate? Near ATL, Ga...most certainly, I like being new places. A time may come to "settle" but it makes sense to...
  20. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Y ~ Yours for that I am unto the Lord :) Certainly it is a constant process of submitting and laying down our own will for "our" lives, whatever "that" means.