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  1. G

    Would you marry you?

    I'll bet you're a chatterbox, and he hardly says three words in a conversation. LOL
  2. G

    Would you marry you?

    You can talk to yourself, You can even argue with yourself, But what do you do when you lose the argument?
  3. G

    Psychics, magicians, fortune tellers, astrologers and faith healers

    I just checked the list of people I was warned about on this forum. (Warned by a woman who has been here for years.) Guess who is first on that list? LOL
  4. G

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    Just as the word "Nationalist" comes from the root Nation, the word "Communist" comes from the root Community (or commune, that the Hippies used to share) Trump is disparaged because people don't understand "Nationalism" when he speaks of it, thinking it began as the abused thing it became...
  5. G

    Would The Story of Your Life Be a Best-Seller?

    Maybe. But, I can't make myself talk about those days... let alone, write about it.
  6. G

    Translation friendly dolls

    Yeah, that did throw me off.
  7. G

    Psychics, magicians, fortune tellers, astrologers and faith healers

    I was raised NOT to believe in miraculous healing.... Until it happened to me, then to my wife, and even to our dog. It was more confirmed when both my wife and I have been used to bring healing (yes, real and physical) to the lives of others. Before that, I too laughed and scoffed at it.
  8. G

    Would The Story of Your Life Be a Best-Seller?

    I don't know if the time in prison, or the years in the Nut House would be the more interesting.
  9. G

    Would The Story of Your Life Be a Best-Seller?

    It would be a drag because I couldn't talk about being a CIA Operative.
  10. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    Interesting POV.
  11. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    What makes you think the committee of translators were inspired by God? Have you ever read their ingratiating letter to King James about their work that he hired them to write for him?
  12. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    Is this another person who thinks God wrote the KJV? LOL
  13. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    Hummm….. One group does the good things Jesus did and taught...…. but fails to adhere to certain rituals. And another has the performance of those rituals nailed, down-pat..... but shuns "undesirables." I wonder who……………………….. Oh, never mind, this post won't solve anything. LOL
  14. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    And probably far closer to the heart of Jesus in following His example than many churches that have perfected the administration of the sacraments.
  15. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    Am I wrong in remembering that unrefrigerated grape juice went bad (turned into wine) within a matter of days.... and that even that wine didn't last too long until the fermenting process further turned it into vinegar?
  16. G

    Is total depravity (radical corruption) a biblical teaching?

    Oh, don't get me started on Dave Hunt or Tom Ice!
  17. G

    Is total depravity (radical corruption) a biblical teaching?

    And...………… There are three more books in the Institutes, each with something like 17 to 25 sections each. I also believe any follower of the Reformation, but especially someone wishing to be a "Calvinst", should read them all at least once. As I have said, I am on my 4th shot at the thing, and...
  18. G

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    Isn't the ideal of Communism, living together in one mind, having all things in common, and if you are well off, sharing what you have with others who have less? I think it is "Communistic REGIMES" with greedy people in charge that is wrong. (The first sentence described the Christians in...
  19. G

    Hi! I am a newbie from North Carolina

    Some good counsel: Don't wear white before Labor Day, nor after Easter. (I'm old) LOL
  20. G

    Should wine be used for the Lord's Supper?

    Personally, I think it is mainly simply Religious Legalists who get hooked-up over what is used for Communion. While on the road, a fair ways from civilization, my wife and I once used Ritz Crackers and Pepsi because we had nothing else. I kinda doubt God fell off His throne that morning.