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  1. G

    Hints and tips to save money!

    Enroll in the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University...……. start learning how to save some real money.
  2. G

    Am I wrong..Are they wrong? Was I sinning, were they? I'm so confused.

    Excellent advice you would be wise to follow, m-01.
  3. G

    Am I wrong..Are they wrong? Was I sinning, were they? I'm so confused.

    I think you made a mistake going online to "diagnose" yourself, and I think you are doing it again by playing around on this forum as though you are talking with psychiatric professionals. Choose one of the professionals you felt some trust for, and limit yourself to their input and advice for...
  4. G

    Perhaps Im Scared JK Okay Maybe I Am

    Possible, I guess.
  5. G

    Baby Boomers

    Life is usually harder for anyone who whimpers instead of working.
  6. G

    Baby Boomers

    Figuring only straight capital (ignoring all the thousands and thousands of dollars interest the government could have made off the money I gave them), I would have to live to about 105 years of age to break even. And if you die before retirement, (even one day before) your survivor gets only...
  7. G

    Baby Boomers

    You are correct about USA SS. The only thing I might add is that at retirement you get a sum commiserate with what you put in over the decades. If you only paid in a small amount, compared with someone else, you receive a smaller monthly check than they do.
  8. G

    Baby Boomers

    More fun!
  9. G

    Perhaps Im Scared JK Okay Maybe I Am

    College is probably right for anyone who dreams no higher than herd-mediocrity. Each of us has to decide if that is what we will settle for.
  10. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    I guess we all have our hang-ups.
  11. G

    Baby Boomers

    Here's a catchy little song to cheer you up on a Wednesday morning.
  12. G

    Baby Boomers

    I wish you could actually hear yourself. He,He. You now almost trip over the thousands of "Now Hiring" signs all over our city.
  13. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    I would post a photo of me building our front entry deck a few years ago, but I don't want to give anyone a heart attack. :eek:
  14. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    Why, then, isn't the guy preaching wearing baggy, sloppy clothes like the man on the cover picture.? Instead, he has on at least $500 of a very closely tailored suit. The jacket even narrows in so that you can see he has a slim waist. LOL. (There are all kinds of what one could call "immodesty."
  15. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    I managed a minute and a half of that video and had to shut it off because I didn't want to lose the meal I just finished. I once was in a "church" like that. Thanks be to God, He got me outta there.
  16. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    :):):) We spend hours and hours at the gym when we are young. Why?, to develop something others don't have Later in life, we spend years accumulation $ and "things". Why?, to amass something others don't have. Become a "Christian", and you have to pretend you never did any of that. LOL...
  17. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    Probably not like me. LOL
  18. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    And, Flint.... I apologize to you for reacting so sharply when it is obvious you had no ill intent, It's just that there are a few people that I feel a bit overly protective of...…….. and it was me, not you.
  19. G

    Where has Biblical Modesty gone???

    That seems reasonable.
  20. G

    What is the difference between self-pity and self-compassion?

    Not sure I have ever heard of "Self Compassion." I always considered Compassion as something directed towards others.