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  1. Mii

    Change your username

    I'd report the same person using multiple accounts to echo or attempt to skirt a ban a "main" by posting incendiary content on the "alt" but otherwise, if you are in a different season in your life or want a new message sent for those who read your posts, I don't see why you can't just make a...
  2. Mii

    GA runoff election

    The amount of mail that has been received here is crazy. Well over a dollar/voter with at least 2 and maybe 3 house visits. So that's close to 8 attempts to solicit voting (all republican efforts to the front door/mail). Just unprecedented in my lifetime. I am only 29 though. I can't help...
  3. Mii

    How Christmas, and Other, Songs Affect Doctrine

    Interesting thread idea man. Even purposeful "Christ"mas music has some glaring errors. Much like a lot of worship songs these days...but I could at least make a CD of probably 12 or so I would listen to. Idk about you but I like instrumentals for that reason because I can change the lyrics and...
  4. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Good lesson D ~ Destruction And also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16 I had wanted to do...
  5. Mii

    Who will Win

    Well, I had a completely different response typed out but I took some time to read whether they said that or not. It "may" be that they have quietly said that but they haven't officially said that as per this post here How do you reconcile the disparity? At first I was super irritated based...
  6. Mii

    Time to move on.

    The very fact that someone actually drew/painted this lol.
  7. Mii

    Brent (Aka Mtgoat)(Aka Mister cool)

    There are a lot of people that bump without looking at the dates and respond to someone without understanding the likelihood of a response, Lynx was being helpful but also sarcastic. You had a legitimate reason...shrug it off perhaps? Sad to see someone go over something like this.
  8. Mii

    GA runoff election

    wasn't? Some signatures look incredibly complicated but you can't underestimate that some people are gifted at it. There is at least one place where part of the job description is being able to sign "autographs" for the character you are representing. Some are incredibly simple. Particularly...
  9. Mii

    Favourite Bible Translations

    Yeah that's the reason why I default to it. I doubt anyone would come after me for bulk quoting but they "could" as it is in the front of almost all the newer translations. Interesting thing to add to the discussion though as I was not aware KJV was used as the source...So it's like, if the...
  10. Mii

    GA runoff election

    Lol, I actually grew up in Cobb and don't live too far from there. It's always Atlanta this, Fulton that...Kind of cool. I'd be curious how signature auditing works...I know that my signature varies wildly since I use it so infrequently. I wonder if they still employ people who are forgery...
  11. Mii

    Judge mental people

    When I said It's sort of difficult to explain. I am trying to say that whether they are "solely" in the Lord's domain (Daniel 5:27) always or whether he involves human beings in this type of judgment e.g. excommunication (no not just from "a" church or denomination, I mean for real). I am...
  12. Mii

    Judge mental people

    Perhaps it would help if you defined or gave an example of what you mean by judgmental people @betty047 Being "judgmental" has become almost a byword and has been misappropriated as to what the Word is speaking against and what he is not. It's times like these that having a pre-programmed...
  13. Mii

    Should I leave my boyfriend?

    Start with speaking what is on your heart though first of course...I've met some people that are just poor at expressing their beliefs so that I can understand. I mention this to a lot of people because I find it useful but it's not for everyone...writing a letter can help get your thoughts in...
  14. Mii

    Favourite Bible Translations

    I guess I just didn't notice it in the NASB though I seen it in quite a while...probably lost in my car :P
  15. Mii

    Favourite Bible Translations

    In the KJV there's all these italicized words that from what I've understood recently were added. In other translations they don't even italicize them to let you know they were added...which isn't alarming necessarily, it's just a recent tidbit I learned. My understanding was that it's there...
  16. Mii

    Favourite Bible Translations

    Well I'm definitely not anti-KJV...and since it's open source I defer to it for most stuff these days. As a child, I don't recall ever being a fan of it but back then I had a TNIrV lol Then NKJV + TNIV then NASB and finally just use the KJV for most everything. I'm at a new crossroads right...
  17. Mii

    First evening here

    Personal prayers and public prayers are different for me. It's alright to not feel like praying in a group or even liking the music at a church...we are all made differently and sometimes when someone is rocking out and feeling the Lord's presence strongly they have questions when someone...
  18. Mii

    GA runoff election

    Interesting perspective. Though it could be that people are legitimately pro-republican but anti-Trump and figured he would win regardless and as a matter of course simply didn't vote or voted 3rd party? I considered this angle at one point but that wrench was thrown in my conclusions. Thoughts?
  19. Mii

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Idk, some reactions send a vague message. I would rather engage a disagreement than give a simple reaction that can be misunderstood. Like, there are some things that I like but some I don't so putting dislike or disagree would be lying to me ha. Some also seem pretty impersonal :P It's...
  20. Mii

    GA runoff election

    Well, I think this needs a separate place. I hesitate to post this at all because I am most likely an independent and don't want to take sides and would rather see agreement between opposing factions than unproductive stonewalling/discord. In order to not have the OP be a tl;dr, I feel strongly...