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  1. Mii

    Humanity is alone in the world

    Yes, I had a similar message/conversation recently. What if we are alone and God sent his son to let us know it's ok...He's here. Don't be are not alone for I am with you.
  2. Mii

    Something to think about in fellowship

    Well, for me it's not "too" much different because of the internet. It's still the collective body of Christ and this is on public display. In private? Quite a different story. It's not that I'm hypocritical, it's just that the extremes are much deeper. I actually find it easier to walk away...
  3. Mii

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Hmm, I choose to limit myself to posting on 2 threads today...and indeed I didn't even plan on logging in but a few caught my eye lol. I saw another poster in another thread on this topic say he can see pre, mid, post and indeed I have seen people use scriptures to support each one. I can see...
  4. Mii

    God's Sabbath Rest - Mission Impossible

    *sighs* Well, I typed out a rather long post but don't feel quite at liberty to give my own personal experiences with what the Sabbath means/has meant to me over my lifetime. Maybe tomorrow? It would take a rather long blog to satisfy me that I'm explaining myself well...which some might say...
  5. Mii

    PTSD Episode in Church Today

    I'd be curious to know what he does with what Jesus said as the only reason for divorce (adultery) It's right there in black and white. If he can't/won't answer I would want to know why. Email or letter perhaps? It could be he didn't explain well. Scripture doesn't say you "have" to divorce...
  6. Mii

    Vaccine Mandate For Me 🤔

    choose ye this day... You seem to be "in flux" with what God wants you to do. Happens to me a lot. Certainly a far cry from open rebellion and sometimes that wrestling is what was necessary to "cut through the chatter" of all this national noise and focus on our walk and our personal decisions...
  7. Mii


    Ok, I'll get back to you tomorrow then. I'm familiar with the shortcomings of the KJV and still prefer it for the most part. I do think some words should have been retranslated to be more clear (such as kill) when it is obvious what is meant in the Greek or Hebrew. Then again, maybe it's not so...
  8. Mii


    Look man, the two witnesses if they are indeed human beings have a special connection to the Lord but that doesn't make them God. A mysterious connection no doubt...which I don't think can be properly understood except in a similar way that angels can be. They do the will of the Father. Need...
  9. Mii


    Try again if you will...this is a bit jumbled to me Note on my previous reply: I am NOT suggesting that there is not more that can be revealed about Enoch, Melchizedek, The Angel of the Lord, etc. etc. but that due to the nature of mysticism and new age thought we need to be super duper...
  10. Mii


    Care to elaborate? This would be considered blasphemy by some without additional clarification. I presume you made a few leaps and that isn't your intention though. Melchizedek I could understand (somewhat) the Angel of the Lord (somewhat more...) but why would Jesus be a priest "after the...
  11. Mii


    The Daniel stuff is still a mystery to me but agreed otherwise. Thanks for posting.
  12. Mii

    FB and other apps down!?

    Same. I don't get on there too much but occasionally people message me on there as their primary communication method so I'm stuck with it "sort of".
  13. Mii

    Matthew 22:37-40 and applying it today?

    I'm not sure why I can't mention you in a comment but see my post above... I'm not sure I completely agree about the confines of the law being "self-effort" alone as all that is requisite and I don't want to get this thread off-topic but certainly because of the Word being made flesh and having...
  14. Mii

    Matthew 22:37-40 and applying it today?

    Well...@Aaron56 I read about half of that (might read the rest later) but I'm impressed. This is actually a "modifier" that I appear to have missed regarding the greatest commandment. Pretty confident it's in Deuteronomy but you added the modifier in way that makes sense to me. Modifier as in...
  15. Mii

    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Uh, it depends on what kind of "cheating" really. Let's say he didn't ever text other women but noticed them and cheated on them that alright? No? Some women deal with this in marriages for life...though according to most "that's not cheating". Except Jesus was pretty clear on...
  16. Mii

    Why I can't get elected to office jokes

    You can't get elected to office because you focus nationally and not locally. Like winning the powerball vs a scratchoff. Might as well not even play if you only win $5 right? ;)
  17. Mii

    Will I ever get a good wife of Christ?

    Well I don't "want" to echo what other posters are saying but there is some truth in saying that God doesn't promise marriage. I don't want to get "too deep" into my life story on an internet thead but I did pray about it a bit before posting because what I previously typed was a "bit bitter"...
  18. Mii

    Hi , I am Deborah Denise Dunn

    Welcome to CC :) For me "prayer needs" seem to function differently for a lot of people. Let's say you had a burden for a particular person appear out of nowhere and you pray about it and you start to see things happen for that person eventually... it didn't happen out of "nowhere"...the Lord...
  19. Mii

    Smithsonian Magazine - This is cool! How A.I. Just Finished Beethoven's Unfinished 10th Symphony :)

    Can you post a link to the video when it's posted? I looked on YT and found stuff a year old and 3 weeks ago but those can't be it if it was super recent. I guess I could do a date search but I keep forgetting how to do that reliably alas.
  20. Mii


    WB...I presume you all are talking about the App?