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  1. Handyman62

    Israel Declares War

    I will add some more to what you have said. Tower 1 and tower 2 were not constructed like most buildings. The smaller building that collapsed I don't know how it was constructed. Tower 1 & 2 were constructed as rectangular tubes with the outer walls supporting the weight of the buildings and the...
  2. Handyman62

    No, the earth is not flat.

    Looks like a pizza in a spinning oven. Planets are Pizzas!
  3. Handyman62

    No, the earth is not flat.

    Now you tell me. Oh well the damage is already done so there's no stopping me now!
  4. Handyman62

    No, the earth is not flat.

    I thinks it looks like a pizza. In fact I think all planets look like pizzas. I think I'll start a movement called PaP.
  5. Handyman62

    No, the earth is not flat.

    I think it's all pies in the sky. . . .Pizza pies that is! o_O
  6. Handyman62

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Before I put you on hide I'm going to say a couple of things. First you come on here claiming you don't really know anything about President Donald John Trump but then proceed to talk a bunch of garbage about him while praising sleepy, creepy, pee pants Bidet. And now you are now claiming you...
  7. Handyman62

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I'm not going to judge his salvation or anyone else's, but I do recognize there are those who are planted to divide & deceive and in the end whether or not we meet them in heaven remains to be seen.
  8. Handyman62

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Perhaps he's not actually a brother in Christ?
  9. Handyman62

    Corrupted Politicians

    President Donald John Trump is the only president in recent history the left office making less money then when he went in.
  10. Handyman62

    Question about The Masks

    And in Churches.
  11. Handyman62

    Question about The Masks

    Just spitballing, but mayby it's because when the government tells you to jump you don't ask how high?
  12. Handyman62

    Question about The Masks

    Mask filter out viruses as well as your underwear/pants filters out flatulence. :poop:
  13. Handyman62

    Question about The Masks

    Yea! Infected with above average intelligence:ROFL:
  14. Handyman62

    Question about The Masks

    They also aren't worried about lasers.
  15. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    Could be that and a bottle of water.
  16. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    When the US dollar collapses who you gonna get to buy your gold & silver? Food will be worth far more then precious metals.
  17. Handyman62

    Military Veteran Soils Himself After Cops Deny Him Entry Into Restroom

    They have no responsibility to protect people so many of them just make things up to justify themselves and their existence.
  18. Handyman62

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    Mustard give me a headache.
  19. Handyman62

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    For all those who keep arguing with these small minded Trump haters this George Bernard Shaw quote keeps coming to mind. “Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it"
  20. Handyman62

    What are your relationship dealbreakers?

    Trustworthly people are in short supply so give trust at your own risk.