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  1. Handyman62


    And please don't eat the daisies.
  2. Handyman62

    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    That's highly monocular of you. o_O
  3. Handyman62

    Elvis Presley's Daughter Dies at 54

    Since you want this topic to go away perhaps you could do your part and stop participating in it and then perhaps it will die on it's own. :unsure:
  4. Handyman62

    The RINOs betray America again

    What's sad is professional US politicians could have their cake and eat it too without destroying the US. So Why do it? Of course I know it's because they have sold their souls, but then that brings up another question. Why sell your soul?
  5. Handyman62

    It's Go Time, Trump Announces Run!

    I believe many of the Trumps bashers on here secretly wish Shrillary would have won.
  6. Handyman62

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    There's certainly something that could be said for those who claim to be Christian but do dishonest things. Then they pray for forgiveness but continue on with their dishonest behavior.
  7. Handyman62

    The RINOs betray America again

    Less corrupt people in Canada? Yes. More corrupt people in the US? Yes but mainly due to the difference population size. How corrupt the governments are is another thing all together. Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden both look pretty corrupt as do those who put them & keep them in office...
  8. Handyman62

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    The problem with telling people the truth about things like that is it will most likely fall on deaf ears. I have found that most people can't even fathom things like that really happen or they don't care because they think it will never happen to them.
  9. Handyman62

    Concave Hollow Earth Theory

    I'm sorry but I left out one detail in my admission. It's the curvature of the ice wall surrounding the earth I have never seen. :oops::giggle:
  10. Handyman62

    Concave Hollow Earth Theory

    I must be honest and admit I have never seen the curvature of the earth.
  11. Handyman62

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    If the lap dog press denies it's existence, does it really exist?
  12. Handyman62

    Flat earth debunked.

    What I really want to see is this mythical ice wall that encircles the earth that nobody's actually seen, shot film or video of or even photographed. :LOL:
  13. Handyman62

    Flat earth debunked.

    Really? I see the curvature of the earth in the right side of the photograph.
  14. Handyman62

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    After Trump was elected I often said that Trump was either elected to postpone the inevitable or to hasten it. I now believe it was to hasten it.
  15. Handyman62

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    The Republican party is dragging the Republican party down and DeSantis won't be able top stop it. The fix is in and has been for several years.
  16. Handyman62

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    He's so full of excrement I quit reading anything he writes a long time ago.
  17. Handyman62

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    For all those who think Fox News is as as bad as the rest of the main stream media, here's what I have to say. You all have serious discernment issues and if you can't see the difference then God help you. Is Fox News 100% accurate? Absolutely not, nobody is. But compared to the near constance...
  18. Handyman62

    Hannity admits to lieing to the American people

    You must be a CNN listener.:unsure:
  19. Handyman62

    Amy Grant Wedding #loveislove

    There are many things that can lead people astray. Fame & fortune being some of the biggest.
  20. Handyman62

    Lack of nuance and increased tribalism when discussing politics

    You think the only difference between right & wrong is a nuance?