Search results

  1. Mii

    Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?

    Do you consider what Jesus said about communion to be a command also? Sincerely interested, it's the only other thing that I can think of that says "this do in remembrance". I haven't ever considered it a "command" but just something you do is that not pretty much the same thing though...
  2. Mii

    Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?

    The MUST know would be the scripture located in Romans 14:5 5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. 6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord...
  3. Mii

    Forum decorum

    Pretend you are a diplomat and if someone is getting onto you about grammar or syntax or post structure...take it in stride or ignore it. Everyone is different with these types of things and perhaps you can actually put forth a little bit more effort in your posts to be more appealing. Be...
  4. Mii

    Forum decorum

    Globally as far as I understand it? No text walls. Get to know a forum and their rules by browsing and asking questions in the right places. Make sure that you give some thought to the proper sub-forum. Here it's a bit unfortunate that MOST of the traffic is in BDF and if you were going to...
  5. Mii

    Compliment the person above you

    Well I'll miss OPs input on the forums...seemed like a well put together person. @jennymae I can't compliment you specifically but I do like your profile pic (avatar w/e) and it's one of the best on the site. Nice drawing to whomever made it.
  6. Mii

    Christian matchmaking services

    I was aware of Tourist and thought maybe Calibob (if I recall aright) but I figure it as the exception and not the rule. I may just interact here in a way that precludes that I guess... Still...not what I come here for. Not what I go to church for either. More of a side-quest if anything...
  7. Mii

    Christian matchmaking services

    I thought that was intended to be a joke though? As far as my understanding of this site goes, I thought going here for matchmaking wasn't ideal (since most aren't coming here for that). Somewhat like a church I guess...some go there to meet other singles but that isn't the central focus. The...
  8. Mii

    Bad habit....

    The phone one seems pretty bad. I don't have any "actual" input on the thread question though...although it is a fairly solid pet peeve of mine for a lot of reasons. I could look past a phone addiction. It's like smoking (equally obvious)...if it doesn't apply to you it's easy for people to...
  9. Mii

    Motivation tips please.

    Oh I don't disagree the idea has quite a bit of appeal. I've thought about it as something I'll definitely do if I ever meet someone. A good reader and a good voice make scripture loads more fun. Not that anyone shouldn't bother if you don't have either of those two things. Learning to read...
  10. Mii

    Motivation tips please.

    Agreed. Even just reading through to each other taking turns out loud helps get you through it. I don't personally know anyone that I'd read with one-on-one but I've been meaning to get a group together (and attempted) a "popcorn" session where we just take turns chapter by chapter and read...
  11. Mii

    A 'Help indeed' to your wife...

    You hid the word with the meaning being obvious so it's read clearly regardless. Pig feces is pretty disgusting so it was a bit jarring for me personally since I'm a pretty visual person and I woke up recently LOL. Outside a young child I don't think censoring does much. The attempt is noted...
  12. Mii

    What Kind of Wife Do You Want?

    hmm...can I ask why you are asking? First thought: A partner Second thought: a Co-host Third thought: A helpmeet.,
  13. Mii

    in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb 'A SPECIFIC DURATION OF TIME'

    The lake of fire is possibly not eternal is what you are espousing/contending here right? Do you mind sharing why you felt led to publicly start a discussion on this? Also are you solidly convinced (is this a sermon) or is it a discussion?
  14. Mii

    I quit playing video games

    I suppose if you don't have an addiction that's awesome. I have very loose definitions to an addiction that most people would consider just a habit. Still yeah, FPS definitely don't promote a Godly spirit, I agree. I'm not sure how killing other human avatars would. I've definitely played them...
  15. Mii

    Hell's Best Kept Secret Method method of evangelism and the Bible

    I find both of the things you mentioned (if I'm understanding correctly) cause for consternation... I'll just say that it's not my style and I don't think it's what the Lord has called me to. It feels foreign and forced. That doesn't mean that it is of no utility to the Lord or that these...
  16. Mii

    Little Luxuries That Make a Big Difference.

    Definitely if they cross the line into idolatry for sure. It's not a nice thing to admit and come to grips with for most people and hard to submit to when you are convicted (for me at least). When they are at the point of being "excess" luxury or "wanton" there's a serious problem. I've...
  17. Mii

    Little Luxuries That Make a Big Difference.

    Interesting topic. I'd have to say hot showers if I could only pick one that I wouldn't want to do without the rest of my life. Even fires that are hot enough to be relaxing are considered to be a luxury in some parts of the world though but hopefully I can treat myself to the effort of...
  18. Mii

    Pasta survey

    I have since gotten better at eyeballing it and then taste testing a piece or two. I still don't have a foolproof method but I did (in the last month) just go ahead and buy some fettuccine noodles precooked...warmed it...and then added my cooked shrimp to the mix with some parmesan. It went...
  19. Mii

    I quit playing video games

    Hmm...I've got a rather long post I typed on this topic because I've definitely played games for the last 25 years off and on (started in 1996 or 1997) and it really isn't so terribly easy for some people to give up what amounts to free dopamine (like smoking tobacco) but it really isn't "free"...
  20. Mii

    A Christian alternative to the Boy/Girl Scouts

    Umm...there's something called Royal Rangers I think. I heard about it on CC (probably) a year or so ago and I liked the name and the concept. A quick search implies that it's an AG thing but AG is pretty mellow and most denominations should fit in just fine there. I guess I'd have to get...