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  1. Seeker47

    A Caregivers Prayer

    Thank you. I have come to learn the blessings that first looked like chores.
  2. Seeker47

    A Caregivers Prayer

    A Prayer Help me today Lord, Not to be a good servant; But a true servant with joy. May there be spring in my step, Even when overburdened. May love fill my eyes, even seeing, What I wish not to see. May music ring my ears, and sweetness sound my voice, When there are but sobs in my heart...
  3. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    I am a long-term Christian who has attended church most of my adult life. In MY experience the church is a human institution and as such is as much subject to error as any human institution. (I know who founded the Church and I know who runs it today, that is a separate issue). I have seen too...
  4. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    I think there are genuine Christian Churches out there but they don't appear to be the ones with big buildings, big congregations or gymnasiums. I find Christ in small churches and small groups but it takes searching to locate them. We can encounter Christ anywhere and at any time, he did not...
  5. Seeker47

    After a sad walk

    It was a Cottonwood that spoke to me that day. The Creator who can suspend galaxies in the heavens can rustle the leaves of a tree just to get my attention.
  6. Seeker47

    God breathed books?

    I've read this book 10 times cover-to-cover.
  7. Seeker47

    After a sad walk

    We pass them, majestic; Towering above everything near, Hardly noting their existence, Despite their enormity. They stand for years, More than a century witness, To seasons and change, Older than memory. They spring from tiny seed, That floats for miles on a breath of breeze, Lighter than a...
  8. Seeker47


    Well written friend, this is where it belongs. I call on my Shield daily for protection; I may waiver but He never fails.
  9. Seeker47

    Dream interpretation

    Only you know what you fear. In my poor experience God doesn't speak to me in these types of dreams. When he does rarely speak it is clear and direct.
  10. Seeker47


    You struck a chord in my heart. Beautiful!
  11. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    I think that is the point I tried unsuccessfully to make. Why are these Churches growing while American Churches fail. This is the debate we need to have.
  12. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    When you look at statistics it is pretty scary. Here's more: From 2007 to 2014 Americans who claim to be Christian declined by 7.8%. Those who claim non-Christian faith rose 1.2% (probably immigration). Those who claim to be unaffiliated with any faith rose by 6.7%. In my parents...
  13. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    I believe it was both physical and spiritual. In both cases the focus is on those who belong to Christ. In my reading from the Book of Acts Peter clearly addresses both physical and spiritual hunger. After tending to those in his care he then supported outreach. (At least that is my humble...
  14. Seeker47

    The Church in America - A Call for Prayer

    Something has bothered me for a long time, an uneasiness that refuses to resolve. This may prove controversial and not everyone will agree or support these thoughts. That’s OK, here goes anyway. The internet has allowed me to research and read hundreds of Vision and Mission statements from...
  15. Seeker47

    Another member

    If anyone relies solely on a church for their spiritual enlightenment they will be disappointed. You can't shift that responsibility onto anything but yourself. Maybe I am dull but have no idea what a "Christian Lifestyle" actually entails. Is this following Christian Rules? It's a long...
  16. Seeker47

    Daughters Eve'n (A Poem)

  17. Seeker47

    Are you there?

    Well done! Those who have had torments tearing at their chest while wondering about the purpose can really relate to what you have written.
  18. Seeker47

    To A Fallen Police Officer

    I wrote this after the line-of-duty death of a friend. He was shot in the head as he exited his squad car in response to a "Shots Fired" call. He died instantly. I believe in my heart he did experience a flash of light as arms grabbed him and held him tight. RIP Brother.
  19. Seeker47

    To A Fallen Police Officer

    I know… What magical feeling you have when patrolling a neighborhood at 4:00am, How you feel when the sun finally begins to rise after a long, quite shift, How you probe the neighborhood’s alleys and lanes where bad things start, All the subtle ways you use the badge, uniform and car to keep...
  20. Seeker47

    Fear of God

    You can be struck down at any time but that is not God's will. His will is that you enter a personal relationship with Him. In that relationship is true rest and comfort, even in those difficult times when He can only hear your groans. He understands them perfectly. Life hurts and sometimes...