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  1. Seeker47

    A Prayer by Thomas Merton

    MH; Thank you for your post. I too have found wisdom in some of Merton's writings and understand the prayer. The comment directed at your post does not reflect the opinion of all Christians. God has spoken to you in those words and we celebrate.
  2. Seeker47

    The Seeker

    When told of a treasure beyond worth, Its value not equaled by any on earth, There began the quest to possess this trove, Committed, success the only goal. It began with the torn old map as guide, Worn thin by the hands of others, Who had also sought the prize so dear, And said the secret was...
  3. Seeker47

    Glowing Embers

    Thank You.
  4. Seeker47

    Glowing Embers

    The house was old and worn, With windows that let in cold and snow. The coal burner in the basement, Only dared warm the kitchen, Little heat arrived upstairs. At morning, only a few warm embers Were left aglow in the sooted old furnace. We slept upstairs in the creaky dear house, Every fall...
  5. Seeker47


    Thank you. It was taken sometime around 1950 in Denham, IN.
  6. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    Excellent and thoughtful response.....Thank you. Can you recommend any of the writings of newer Christians addressing these issues? I would enjoy making the comparisons. Again...Thank you.
  7. Seeker47


    We are brothers, close in age, Always a test of the other; Mom called us “Thunder and Lightning”. We shared the same experiences, The joy of growing up in country America. Dogs, close neighbors, 5-cent ice cream, steam locomotives, Fishing with worms and long bus rides to school. We didn’t have...
  8. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    I did not know this 10 part series existed. Thank you for sharing!
  9. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    The moment I posted by first reply I knew I was in error. Ours is not to say a sad "Amen" even though it looks like that is the proper response, ours is to speak up more loudly still against the things that draw us away from the truth. We may have lost the culture war here in the west (Has...
  10. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    ...And a sad Amen.....
  11. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    Your GIF is a perfect bookend to a poem I posted several weeks ago in the POETRY forum. : We pass them, majestic; Towering above everything near, Hardly noting their existence, Despite their enormity. They stand for years, More than a century witness, To seasons and change, Older than...
  12. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    Our cell may be softer and the threats we face something other than a rat in an open ended cage, but the pressure to surrender our values are building to that same end. The book illustrates this much better than I. Schaeffer reminds us of the causes of the fall of Rome; a mounting love of...
  13. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    Yes I believe that is possible. Prolonged as our dissent into darkness may be slow and gradual, loosing our humanity inch by inch. (This has already begun). Orwell's 1984 was off by just a few short years.
  14. Seeker47

    How Should We Then Live

    Subtitle: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture by: Francis A. Schaeffer I just finished this book. To be honest I found it terribly frightening, especially since it was written in 1976. I was anticipating some ending encouragement, some words that would hold out hope...
  15. Seeker47

    Well Worn

    When Christ comes to call me home, I pray he will; but not too soon; Hope begs He find me in shabby cloths, Stained and torn and over used. Not the wear with holes you buy At some rich cloth boutique. But real scars with tatters and holes Made by years of wear and use. Shredded hems worn...
  16. Seeker47

    The Old Home Town

    I grew up in that same place but probably with a different name. I feel what you wrote.
  17. Seeker47

    By: John Newton

    These Inward Trials by: John Newton I asked the Lord, that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of His salvation know, And seek more earnestly His face. I hoped that in some favored hour At once He’d answer my request, And by His love’s constraining...
  18. Seeker47


    I have been hoping you would clarify your comment. Please be assured everything I write is my 'own' and nothing is copied or plagiarized. I became interested in Simeon after reading Henri Nouwan's book "The Return of the Prodigal Son" which is based on a Rembrandt painting of the same name...
  19. Seeker47


    I'm not sure I know what you mean.
  20. Seeker47


    Gone is the upturned prayerful face, Cast in the glow of wonderous grace, The royal colors are faded dim, While no one bends to see. Gone too, the Elders and High Priests, Towering columns vault not above, No sacred family kneels amazed, While blessing hands hover o’erhead. The Song of Praise...