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  1. pickles

    Updat on hubby and others

    Again, sorry I have not been here, but did want to make sure and update on my husband and my friend. Finnaly after many tests, today my husband had another angiogram, and it was discovered that one of the bypasses had failed, thankfully it was repaired with a stint and hubby should do better. A...
  2. pickles

    For an amazing old bird...

    An elderly friend of mine recently fell and broke her hip. I went to the hospital with her and with another friend, to made sure she was taken care of, as her children were not welcome at the hospital, due to substance abuse issues. She is doing well and recovering in a care facility, but sadly...
  3. pickles

    prayer for hubby,

    I am so greatful to God, that all has gone so well with my husband's open heart surgery this year. Lately though there are some concerns. My husband just didn't seem to be healing like he should, and although still waiting for some more tests to be done, there is the possibuility that either his...
  4. pickles

    Interesting method for getting rid of dead, dry skin on feet.

    One of the many joys of getting older has been that dry cracking skin on my feet, not just ucky looking but also painful at times. Well, my daughter who has been concerned about how my feet have been getting worse lately... came home that other day with a remedy that a fellow coworker had heard...
  5. pickles

    This year, a thankyou and a prayer.....

    Father in heaven, I thank you and praise you for bringing me through the mountain of difficulties that have been this last year! I thank you, for sustaining me through them all! I praise you for holding onto my hand, even when I wasn't sure if I could hold on, being so tired and weak at times...
  6. pickles

    When able....

    When able, please keep me in your prayers. :) I'm sorry 'Ive been here so little this last year, between my hubby's health, which is improving, my health struggles, mostly my hands, and challenges greater than ever before in my life. Simply said, I am so thankful for Our Lord Jesus. Although...
  7. pickles

    What a day, prayers please.

    What a day, seems everyday lately has been too busy and very full. Mostly why I have had so little time here lately. As to my prayer request... I was out this evening touching up the paint on our home, when I heard a faint cry for help. At first I could not see where it came from, but felt...
  8. pickles

    He became sin for us...

    Scripture says that if we desire to Know Him,(Jesus) we must walk as he walked, that we must live according to the scriptures. Lately, the message of the cross has been set before me a lot.:) God is good this way. :) We know scripture says that Jesus suffered for our sins, but it also says that...
  9. pickles

    Please pray for...

    Please pray for a friend named Gwen, she recently suffered several strokes that have caused her to be paralised. She is struggling with depression and thoughts of ending her life. Please pray that Jesus will fill her heart overflowing with His great love and comfort, and that I will be given the...
  10. pickles

    So much to be thankful for...

    Im sorry I have not been here lately, partly because I was caring for my husband while he recovered, thankfully he is doing well and will soon return to work again. :) But I also wasn't able to come here because my computer was pretty much useless. Thankfully as well my family surprised me today...
  11. pickles

    Hubby's surgury tomorrow

    Sorry I havnt been here lately, life has been pretty busy with hubby's heart issues and doing double duty around the home. I want all of you to know, that you remain always in my daily prayers in Jesus's name, for God Our Father is amazing and faithful to all of His children. :) Just wanted to...
  12. pickles

    update on my husbands angiogram...

    Thankyou all for your prayers. :) The angiogram went well, but drs found that my husband does have some serious blockage. Within this next week he will require a triple bypass on his heart. We are so thankful that this was found before my husband suffered any damaging heart attack, thankyou...
  13. pickles

    Jesus paid the price

    With the celibration of Jesus's resurection coming soon, I have been thinking alot about the price He paid for our sins. I do wonder if we are aware of the freedom He won for us, not just for our own sins, but for those who sins, offend us every day. I was strugfgling with an offence that has...
  14. pickles

    update on hubby's angiogram

    Sorry Ive been gone for so long, both hubby and I were hit with the flu, partly why Ive been absent. And why angiogram is now delayed until not this friday, but the next, hopefully we both will be fully recovered by then. Thankyou all so much for your prayers in Jesus. It is a great comfort to...
  15. pickles

    Please keep...

    Please keep my husband in your prayers this week. He is to go in for an angiogram next tuesday. Please pray that everything will go well, and that any difficulty, will be resolved and he will be alright. In Jesus, thankyou and God bless pickles
  16. pickles

    Just so heartbreaking

    Saddly, the main church is closing down the branch we have enjoyed. Long story short... The main church's head pastor decided to allow practicing homosexuals to hold teaching and leadership positions in the church. Scripture is clear about the requirements for any who hold positions of teaching...
  17. pickles

    Sometimes there can be so much....

    Sometimes there can be so much happening in one's life, that one can feel lost in all of it and overwhelmed. Seems this has been my life of late. :) So much so that, to even try and ask or pray for what I wanted, seemed foolish, for only God Our Father knows trully what I need. :) But the...
  18. pickles

    He turns our tears.....

    O.K., :) Im not sure if Im quoting correctly, so please if another here has the correct quote, post it. :) For He turned my tears into laughter, my mourning into dancing! I have always loved this scripture, for many times, God Our Father has trully done this! I just wanted to share one of...
  19. pickles

    Is this biblical? Is there another here that understands this?

    I dont know if mere words will give understanding to what I hope to be confermed, known. Lately, Jesus has been showing me, the greatness of His love and the importance of why He took all upon the cross. I cannot say the understanding is more, for I have come to see that understanding is not...
  20. pickles

    Thankyou :)

    Just wanted to say thankyou for all prayers said for the healing of my hand. Im sorry I have not been here lately, but have been taking time to rest and heal. It took time for the wound to finnally close, and even though still fragile, there has been no infection, thankyou dear Jesus! Still busy...