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  1. Seeker47


    Welcome to CC Gabriel, I am glad you are here. You will find lots of friends here. I do have a present for you, but it is a re-gift. Romans 8:38-39. Enjoy!
  2. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    Numbers 9 through 12. Humility and Absolute Surrender Andrew Murray My copy is prefaced with a warning: “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.” Murray was from South Africa, but I failed to see anything warranting a...
  3. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    Got it!
  4. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    I have Corrie Ten Boom on my completed list. Her prayer for flees shook me up a bit. Have also read Marjorie Holms, Lorraine Kisley, Nancy Pearcy and Ann Wroe. The Pearcy book, Total Truth outstanding and included in an upcoming review. Will check out the Pullinger book, always looking for...
  5. Seeker47


    Welcome KitKat, glad to see you here. Just curious, I always review new members profile. Is your favorite bible verse Matt. 7:7? That has always been one of mine, especially when I was a new Christian. Anyway, welcome!
  6. Seeker47

    Hello from a new guy!

    Welcome AB, glad to see you here. I too was cautious and still remain careful what identification information I reveal. Please take your time until you are comfortable. There is just so much here, so many really great Christians and fascinating conversations to choose and join in on...
  7. Seeker47

    Before I begin ...

    Hey....welcome to CC. I hope to see you joining in and adding to the conversations. There are lots of really great people here.
  8. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    Continuing with the top 16 books, again in no particular order. How Should We Then Live Francis A. Schaeffer A historical perspective of Christianity from ancient Rome to modern times. This book will help modern Christians more clearly understand the challenges confronting the western...
  9. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    Seekers Top Rated Books From all the recent books, there are 16 from my reading list that I found especially interesting. This is the first of four posts (if I survive) that will briefly highlight those books. They are in no particular order. Of course, a favorite book is like favorite Bible...
  10. Seeker47

    Seekers Top-Rated Books

    Having a lot of idle time recently, I have invested those hours reading classic Christian books. Finding good books has required review of many “Top Ten”, “Top 50” or “Top 100” lists. These are usually based on popularity by sales. Rarely will you find a list where the compiler has personally...
  11. Seeker47

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Hey BB.....Welcome to CC. That is quite an introduction...can't wait to see what follows.
  12. Seeker47

    The Law Of Life

    Good to see someone else who also suffers from FF Syndrome (Fast Fingers). Great post!
  13. Seeker47


    Absolutely! My concern was my own ability. I found it difficult to denounce evil, while not casting stones at those who use FB positively and legitimately.
  14. Seeker47

    Who shall deliver me from the body of this death

    One of my favorite books is A.W. Tozers The pursuit of God. The title alone is fascinating, you don't learn if God is the subject or the object until Tozer makes that question crystal clear.
  15. Seeker47

    List of ways to humble ourselves

    Your post touched my heart. You may be stuck at home but you "served" my spirit today. Are your opportunities as rare as they feel or is your service something different than you think? I believe God has given you special opportunities others may not have, even in your difficulties. You are...
  16. Seeker47


    I have found it personally difficult to respond to this post. Every attempt (I have tried several times) has sounded overly judgmental and critical. I have resigned from all popular forms of social media, and yes, it has been a struggle. FB, Twitter and the others popular media forms may try...
  17. Seeker47

    Who shall deliver me from the body of this death

    Great post. I relate this to Romans7:19 "For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." That pretty much sums up my own strength against sin.
  18. Seeker47

    Ongoing Sin-Hardened Heart

    UnnamedConcerned, you are not alone. We have all fought your battle, one way or another. I would highly recommend the book Every Man's Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. Following Job (31:1) and "making a covenant with your eyes" is a powerful tool against temptation. The book is...
  19. Seeker47

    Agape Love vs. Phileo Love

    God's love for his children is the most precious and expensive form of love, regardless of what it may be called.
  20. Seeker47

    How do you hear from God?

    Yes, I think it is idolatry when it results in neglect.