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  1. Seeker47


    Thanks, I'll check it out.
  2. Seeker47


    Thank you for the recommendation. I am trying to develop a reading list and hope to avoid "the chaff".
  3. Seeker47


    (I hope this is appropriate for this thread.) I would really like to hear about any Christian book(s) that had a profound influence on your "walk". A.W. Tozer's The Pursuit of God is one I have read time and time again. Any recommendations?
  4. Seeker47


    Why would God create a Yorkie? I sought an answer in great dusty halls, Searching thick volumes stacked on the walls, Written in languages no one can speak, But found no answers to the question I seek. I climbed the Himalayans to speak to the sage, And sought the witch doctors from every age...
  5. Seeker47


    To save some hours of toil and strife; I took a shortcut through the night. The dark enfolded bleak and tight; I fain could rush my urgent flight. My leg encountered unseen rock; That nearly dropped me on the spot. Yet onward in the flowing night; Stumbling through my waxing fright. I heard...
  6. Seeker47


    You know, I think I am beginning to understand what you only took two years! I'm not sure I am bright enough to do it yet, but I do finally "get it". Thank you for your insight and honesty!
  7. Seeker47


    Walking alone and lonely, out to the very end. A narrow sliver jutting into the sea. Cold, unpleasant; low clouds darkly overhead, Flew the wind pushed steady and strong. Below, waves spend themselves orderly against the rocks, Striking in rhythm and great energy, assured and fearless. Spray...
  8. Seeker47

    Bible Study

    Study the Bible, Lead a biblical life, “The Bible” in twelve easy chapters, Apply scripture to your every-day strife. But something is amiss, It ends empty and wanting, We remain the same, Still hungry and panting. When finally we find, Scripture’s not the goal, But one of His means, To make...
  9. Seeker47

    From the Dust

    That what is not necessary, For us to know of salvation, Is God’s privileged domain, Not to be disturbed. Obedience and reverence forbid our inquiry, Yet some are passionate to know. But we please God most When we leave it alone. We should seek nothing but God’s Holy will To do less is vain...
  10. Seeker47

    Counting Costs

    Thank you Friend.
  11. Seeker47

    Baptism, Born again, what's the connection?

    Romans 6:3-8 There is no clearer statement.
  12. Seeker47

    Lynx thinks

    Have I missed something? Have I not heard You correctly? Have I just been lazy? You wrote this with me in mind....I know you did! Great work.
  13. Seeker47

    The "uneducated" Bible Thread

    Unlike most people in church, I was not raised in a Christian home. My father was raised a strict Roman Catholic but fled the church at his first opportunity. He rarely shared his faith but did say he could not accept a god who would send someone to hell for not joining the church. He did...
  14. Seeker47

    who am I?

    I had to read this several times. There is pain here. We want so much to have some ending encouragement, some hope, but it does not come. We do not easily accept that some are lost. Well done.
  15. Seeker47

    What do you find controversial?

    To answer your question we really need to know what you mean by "controversial". If you mean a subject on which there is no consensus, then almost everything is this thread proves. If by "controversial' you are asking what parts we struggle with on a personal level, then...
  16. enlightenment-2.jpg


  17. Seeker47

    Counting Costs

    There is no reason for feeling silly. I chose that word based on the martyrdom of Polycarp as recorded in Fox's Book of Martyrs. Polycarp refused to be fastened to the stake and assured his persecutors he would stand immovable in the flames. "The flames, on their kindling of the faggots...
  18. Seeker47

    Counting Costs

    Oh my.... faggot (ˈfæɡət) or fagot n 1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel. I referenced the original meaning of the word, not "Urban Slang." Faggots were piled at the foot of the stakes before the execution of martyrs.
  19. Seeker47

    Counting Costs

    You’ll find no ease along the way, No rest, no fame, no answers, no mountaintops, No feast, no festival, no parade and no cheers, Only hunger and thirst and welling of tears. You’ll find stink on the cloths of your fellow man, Bad breath and dirt, foul vomit and spit, There’ll be blood and...
  20. Seeker47


    "Self lies to us every day if we give ear" Amen!