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  1. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Hopefully you saw the rest of the sentence.
  2. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    You may have gave 100 verses, but you still can be deceived and not understand one of them.
  3. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    But not believing what it says after reading is the issue. Scripture doesnt teach what you believe friend.
  4. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Sorry, they dont understand Gods Truth.
  5. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    I believe everyone who teaches that Christ died for everyone without exception, and that God loves and desires all without exception to be saved, they are deceived, and the only hope they have is that God will deliver them by His mercy. Only God can grant repentance to the acknowledging of the...
  6. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Sorry but sounds like you have been deceived for many years friend, may God have mercy on you.
  7. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    I cant see it. Anyone teaching the false doctrine that God loves all and Christ died for all without exception, no way they understand and believe the truth.
  8. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    This is false teaching !
  9. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    You think the scriptures support you, but they dont, you are deceived, may God be pleased to deliver you !
  10. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    You dont make sense. Read in the Book of Acts, where do you read in any of their sermons, their preaching, that God loved everybody and Christ died for everyone. Nobody preached those lies
  11. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    I know why you dont understand the truth, but thats not my mission to talk about you.
  12. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    1 know what that verse says, but again you are deceived, and Im afraid I cannot undeceive you.
  13. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Nope, Im teaching the Truth, its a false teaching to tell people that God loves all mankind and Christ died for all mankind, God Loved and Christ died only for a elect people from amongst mankind. Likewise the Holy Spirit only regenerates that same elect people that God elected in Christ, and...
  14. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    I know what Rom 11 is about. Salvation is by Grace election regardless of ethnicity, do you deny that ? Or do you believe in Salvation by Grace due to ones ethnicity, a fleshly bases ?
  15. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    You can read all you want, its understanding what one reads that is vital.
  16. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    No it doesn't I'm afraid you are deceived
  17. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Everyone who is saved was part of the remnant of mankind. The Gentiles were only a remnant Acts 15:14-18 14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. 15 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, 16 After...
  18. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Nothing changes, its a falsehood to tell people God loves everyone and Christ died to save everyone.
  19. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Doesnt change anything I stated.
  20. B

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Its been a false concept that has prospered in the religous world, that God loves and desires the salvation of all mankind, but thats a falsehood perpetrated by you know who, the father of lies Jn 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer...