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  1. Seeker47

    Praying to God for a coffee?

    ...and yet you have a smartphone? There is so much wrong with this post.....(and no I won't explain).
  2. Seeker47

    A Psalm

    The hell of Samsara best expressed my feelings at the time when I could see no hope. It was a tough time.
  3. Seeker47


    Now, if CC could just help with my typing skills???!!!
  4. Seeker47

    Holiday depression

    I too, believe Thanksgiving is the best Christian Holiday. Sadly, too often I forget the part about being thankful to God for all He gives, a special day is necessary for me. I enjoy the family time, the sights and especially the smells of turkey, trimmings and fresh baked bread. Better, it...
  5. Seeker47


    Hello to you and welcome to CC. I hope you find fellowship and truth here that that helps your walk in Christ, I have!
  6. Seeker47

    Fond memories from my childhood

    What a beautiful memory you shared. I did well as a child too but you still made me a little envious (and hungry). God's creation is still beyond our comprehension,
  7. Seeker47

    How do you recover correctly after sinning?

    You are touching on an issue that eventually haunts nearly very Christian; how many times will the father forgive the prodigal son? Once, twice? Some may say 70 X 7 but that is the standard that Messiah gave us humans. We manage to forgive once or twice, maybe even seven, but then our pride...
  8. Seeker47

    I guess I’ll do this check in thing.

    Oh, many say I have been wrong for a long, long time. Nothing new there, I enjoy it. Welcome back.
  9. Seeker47

    Bible character you have a word or two for when you get to heaven

    I would enjoy a chat with Balaam's donkey......
  10. Seeker47

    One Of The Hardest Battles

    I know that at some point God makes two people into one. I am betting you know exactly what I mean. It never gets easy but it does get stronger.
  11. Seeker47

    Born-Again Believer Here! Hello.

    Hello, thank you for the blessing. There are some really great believers here and some fantastic conversations. Jump in, we look forward to hearing from you.
  12. Seeker47


  13. Seeker47


    If you are talking about the pain of sin, I agree. We do eventually feel the pain we sinfully cause in others. Not as some mystical "karma" but because we are all joined and united in one.
  14. Seeker47

    Seekers Books----Life after Death

    I have just finished a marvelous book by author Dinesh D’Sousa titled Life after Death, The Evidence. In this book, D’Sousa does not set out to prove an afterlife, but to give the reader a scientific and philosophical basis to make their own conclusions about this most vital topic. I found his...
  15. Seeker47

    Before Anything Let Them See You

    You write beautiful thoughts.
  16. Seeker47


    Life can be so very hard sometimes, and so incredibly beautiful other times. God will hold you and give you strength, just trust him. In my experience sunshine always follows closely after a little rain.
  17. Seeker47

    Hello to all!

    Welcome to CC Skeet, we need all the wisdom we can get!
  18. Seeker47

    How should one treat the homeless?

    I believe this man was testing did the right thing by refusing and showing him strength. He may have taken advantage of you if you appeared weak. You have some street sense but still need to be safe.
  19. Seeker47

    How should one treat the homeless?

    While your post does not say so, it sounds like you were alone. If so there should be warning signs flashing all round. Your first priority must should be to protect yourself. The homeless person knew very well what position he placed you in. He attempted to take advantage of you and you...