Search results

  1. Seeker47

    The Dark Ages

    Thank you for the invitation. If I could relocate, Tennessee would be one of my first picks. It is a beautiful place. I would respectfully mention that I haven't lost my faith in humanity. Indeed it is the quiet faithful ones, worshiping God and doing the best they can when the world is...
  2. Seeker47

    The Dark Ages

    I used to post on CC much more frequently. I love the people here and still enjoy reading posts and keeping up with friends, even though my attention has been elsewhere. Thank you for noticing!
  3. Seeker47

    Parched & Happy

    I continue to love your work, you speak truth. "How faith is favoured over faithfulness and fruit," are true words, even if unpopular for many. Keep at it anyway my friend!
  4. Seeker47

    The Dark Ages

    Absolutely! Babylon desperately wants to hang the inquisition around the necks of the Catholic Church. Church leadership is surely culpable and they have publicly acknowledged their crimes. There is no excuse. But the people responsible for most abuses were from secular government; those...
  5. Seeker47

    The Dark Ages

    I am not a historian, nor a scholar, just a guy who reads. Lately my interest has been focused on what is frequently called “The Dark Ages”. I’ve studied the Inquisition, the Crusades, the suppression of the Cathars and the history of the Templars and Hospitallers. The Church and the...
  6. Seeker47

    Walking My Walk

    I share your frustration.
  7. Seeker47

    Can't You See, There Is Something Wrong With Me.

    Son, Do You Know Do you know all the times I call out for you, Hoping this time, you might hear? And how I feel when you’re walking away, On that road of false dreams and deceit. Do you know how I watch and I weep, When you slip and fall in the wallow? And how my heart aches and bleeds, Each...
  8. Seeker47


    This data is from the World Health Organization (WHO) and who doesn't trust the UN? Total Corona deaths worldwide between 1-1-2020 and 1-1-2022 5,411,759 (Two years) Total abortions performed worldwide 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2022 42,640,209 (One year) Do you think...
  9. Seeker47

    New Trend

    Yes, it does, but for far too long men have avoided this responsibility and left the woman "holding the bag" so to speak. If you really want to go deep in this topic you can trace it back to the radical feminist movement and the de-gendering of males but that's a long discussion.
  10. Seeker47

    New Trend

  11. Seeker47

    Cross dressing problems

    Thank you for your honesty, it's positive that you can speak so honestly about your issues. In my personal experience such ingrained personal habits (addictions) are very difficult to overcome. My testimony is that with prayer, commitment and a Loving Savior, it is possible. Please be...
  12. Seeker47


    Great imagery.
  13. Seeker47

    Cross dressing problems

    Do you cross dress in public or in private? Does your spouse know and if so what does she think? Does she participate? Do you have children and are they aware? Have you been faithful? Has this activity caused you any problems?
  14. Seeker47

    New Trend

    Point taken if he is single. I'm not sure all abortions are sought by the unwed. In any event you are absolutely correct, but I will still celebrate a clipping over a termination.
  15. Seeker47

    New Trend

    There is a report out of Texas that documents an increase in men seeking vasectomy since stricter abortion laws were enacted. (Link below if interested). What a novel concept, men taking responsibility for their choices. Will wonders never cease...
  16. Seeker47

    Uplifting Article

    This is one of the most uplifting articles I have read in a long time.
  17. Seeker47


  18. Seeker47

    Hello, want to share my struggles

    Hello JLM23 and welcome to CC. I'm not exactly a young adult but wish to support you anyway. Hold true to your beliefs and reject those influences which tempt you. You are stronger than they are. Hard as it may seem, be a light of truth to others by your faith and actions. Always be gentle...
  19. Seeker47

    Places with mountains, valleys, hills, etc

    I don't live there but absolutely love Tennessee.
  20. Seeker47

    Places with mountains, valleys, hills, etc

    Vermont and New Hampshire are beautiful places but beautiful may not mean you would enjoy living there.