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    Yet another new arrival

    We're everywhere! LOL :love: Hi.
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    BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says

    Biden and Harris are pro-partial birth abortion. Could be the leak is intended to cause further division in the country.
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    BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says "Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a...
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    BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says

    I'd check the supreme court website to find out what's really going on.
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    Emotional affair..... should I tell my husband?

    No, don't tell your husband. There's a chance he'll think this is payback for his emotional cheating. Or, maybe you and your husband should have a really deep joint introspection regarding your marriage. And consider you'll be spending decades in the future together when it seems like you both...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    I don't think we're meant to be like the Borg. All having the same experience.
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    Is the law of Moses set aside?

    U may be wrong but, aren't the ten commandments the moral example set in love of God and one another?
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    Do you view Holy Communion as Literal or Symbolic?

    Symbolic. Though I knew a very devout Catholic who believed it to be literal. They also Nieves Jesus literally embodied their priest when he gave the homily. Everyone's unique I guess.
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    Comment by 'BeeThePeace' in media 'Holly'

    Love Holly's expression. Like, why is there a camera in my face and not my favorite treat?:LOL: