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    Empty Tomb Challenge!

    Nicodemus also, who earlier had come to Jesus by night, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds in weight . (John 19:39) When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him (Mark 16:1)
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    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Doesn't actually answer my question. But I appreciate your thought and repost of that passage.
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    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. If Jesus was also God, the word made flesh, how does God keep his word there?:confused:
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    CIA false flags in Ukraine

    Don't all the power welders in this thing win? Be it Russia, America,Ukraine.
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    The plan to destroy America

    I have friends who live in an Air Force town. Years ago the base built a townhouse community for officers. This was later leased to local government section 8 housing. Now, those families have been kicked out of those homes only to be replaced with illegals and their families. Hard to imagine...
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    Biden's Ministry of Truth

    This bit of news comes the month after Stanford hosted the Disinformation Conference where Obama was a key speaker. From his own website. Disinformation Is a Threat to Our Democracy Tech platforms need to recognize that their decisions have an impact on every aspect of society. "The divisions...
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    Biden's Ministry of Truth

    I've seen the dystopian George Orwell novel 1984 unfolding in the realtor quite awhile now. I guess it is only timely now that they be more bold about implementing more of it outright . Maybe the revolution will come if or when we unplug? Go off the grid, be self-sustaining, and get rid of...
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    Tiny house

    Big Bird could be your neighbor. :D
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    Tiny house

    I too have found some very beautiful tiny homes on the net. My one condition were I to choose that lifestyle would be full plumbing. No compost toilets for this gal.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    Please! May we choose not to further indulge someone so callous? It only pays more attention to their malicious disregard for the departed little ones. Please? I implore you all in our Lord's precious name, let us not encourage that person to continue on their path here in this discussion. :cry...
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    Yet another new arrival

    Thank you. May God also bless you and yours.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    I think you would demonstrate a better example of Christ and Christian charity if in this discussion reporting the sorrowful loss of innocent children you would stop insisting you are correct in your opinion they're in Hell now. God knows.
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    Wars and rumors of war.

    I think it an individual thing as far as deeming a reporting source credible or not . Look for the Azov battalion in the search engine of your choice. They were trained by the U.S military.
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    Yet another new arrival

    Thank you both. <3 I'm happy to be here with you all. :)
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    Comment by 'BeeThePeace' in media 'Holly'

    Of course. How could you not? Such a precious little girl.
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    Yet another new arrival

    Thanks. Glad to be aboard too.
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    BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says

    Fixed my autocorrected typo. After the 5 minute edit time limit expired. Gotta love GBoard keyboard on a smartphone in the hands of someone who clearly pays attention before committing to post.:oops::geek::oops: