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  1. happydolphin007


    Yes I agree..the happy dolphin side. For sure.
  2. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    I’m looking forward to meeting my mum in heaven one day, it’s huge to know there is hope with God. It’s the reason I can wake up every morning.
  3. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    Thanks for your reply. John 14:1-4 answered the question, I’m glad Jesus said He is going to prepare a place for us, it is a blessing to know that we can trust God, there is no other way under heaven that can provide hope to mankind. blessings.
  4. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    Scripture says we are to look at line by line and precept upon precept?
  5. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in...
  6. happydolphin007


    Absolutely. God is good!
  7. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    Just seriously interested in what the Word says about this. When Jesus calls Lazarus to come forth from his grave, if Christ said, Lazarus come down, then that might have implied Christ was calling Lazarus down from heaven? But it wasn’t, Christ likened death to a sleep?
  8. happydolphin007


    Thank you, blessings
  9. happydolphin007


    Hello, I didn’t know what handle to use so yeah this one came to mind, 007 is not after the worldly movie, just the number my favourite number is 7. It is perfection, 7 day week, 7 last plagues, 7 candle sticks…blessings
  10. happydolphin007


    Thank you, it’s great to be here. Blessings sis
  11. happydolphin007


    I just wanted to share that one day as a support worker to our dear seniors, in the community where I’d served f or three years. Well, one day, a dear lady who recently passed away was sadly, not a believer. But there was one day she was fully open to hearing the Steps to Christ book being read...
  12. happydolphin007


    That’s so beautiful thank you all for the wonderful greetings :-) blessings!
  13. happydolphin007


    Nice to be here. Jesus has influenced so many of his children, how beautiful.
  14. happydolphin007

    Would you surrender, to the risen Saviour?

    Introduction: A Saviour came to our world His was a miracle birth Practised a loving code Some people still don’t know Verse 1: First, love our Creator Then love our neighbours, As we love ourselves and love our haters If only we were wise To seek the true light Chorus: We hear we need to...