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  1. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    I see your into dividing the flock, as Christians aren’t we supposed to pray for each other? Instead of tearing each other down. I’m sorry I’m not in support of what you might be trying to do. Blessings.
  2. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    The identification and eschatological meaning of the scapegoat of Leviticus 16 has generated much discussion in academic circles. Within ancient Jewish tradition, the scapegoat was always seen as a demonic being. 2 But since the postapostolic period, many Christian expositors have tried to...
  3. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    If you read Genesis 3 it clearly states the enemy, has entered into the serpent.
  4. happydolphin007

    The Roman popes are the antichrist

    The seventh day sabbath, according to most Christians was given only for Jews to follow, but that’s not true. Most people want to also argue this law was nailed to the cross, but we are told not to murder, steal, lie etc. We all have the freedom to choose and even if we ignore God and disobey...
  5. happydolphin007

    The Roman popes are the antichrist

    This is very true for what has happened historically and historically supports the Bible 100 percent. Make no mistake about it. That is the reason why the Bible says that the entire world will follow after the beast. The Bible speaks of a system, a blasphemous power who will again in the future...
  6. happydolphin007

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    At One Ment. Christ atoned for us, but we still need to repent, in order to be saved.
  7. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    I‘m not sure entirely of the chronological order of the books between Genesis and Job, but one thing I can be confident of, is that God is true and knows what He is doing. Blessings.
  8. happydolphin007

    Query about different thinking of when a person dies, how come many different interpretations

    Sorry, that came out wrong. Of course I’m eager to learn a lot more of the Biblical scripture. Not just on inheriting eternal life. Sorry that came out wrong. Upon reflection, it’s like a Christian saying they want to be saved, without repenting. Blessings.
  9. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Upon reflection, after the six days of the account of creation, covered across Genesis 1-2…. Then Genesis 3 is about the fall of man, where Lucifer enters through the serpeant and tempts Eve, the cunning fallen angel finally cons Eve, by the third strike she folds. She then persuades her husband...
  10. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Upon reflection, after the six days of the account of creation, covered across Genesis 1-2…. Then Genesis 3 is about the fall of man, where Lucifer enters through the serpeant and tempts Eve, the cunning fallen angel finally cons Eve, by the third strike she folds. She then persuades her husband...
  11. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Bless you. Listen to the Bible please, not me.
  12. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    So if the first war started in heaven and the Bible is clear about this, how come you are not? Blessings.
  13. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Hello Please explain why you feel this way. Adventist teaching, from what I’ve learnt so far are teachings that align with Bible scripture, more than any other denomination. God loves everyone though. God wants people to come out of error, it’s in Jesus’s character when He spoke up against the...
  14. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Friend, let the Bible be true. God’s word never contradicts itself, only man. Blessings.
  15. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Precept upon precept, line upon line.
  16. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    We must let the Bible truth speak
  17. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Revelation 12:7-17 English Standard Version Satan Thrown Down to Earth 7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon...
  18. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    The Bible is very clear, the earth was already in existence, when the fallen angel was thrown out of heaven. Very clear. Read the Bible please. blessings
  19. happydolphin007

    The First War Began In Heaven

    This is a great source. Ellen White was an inspired Christian. What I understand, after referring to the Bible also is that White‘s literature is in alignment with the Bibles’ teachings. Upon reflection, if God wanted to, God could have killed Lucifer, but in Gods’ own mercy and law, His law he...