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  1. Rosyshine

    Wondering about the Kingdom (essay)

    I was thinking about the Kingdom of Heaven today. (Not totally sure what the phrase means, to be honest). It happened as I was in my car. I was praying and talking to God, and it was as if I understood something deep within me. I was thinking about how we're kind of in two places at once, as we...
  2. Rosyshine

    That part of your heart that's hidden (essay)

    The car is a place where I do a lot of praying (and singing and venting, haha). Sometimes I just talk to God or ask Him questions about life and Himself. As I drove home from work tonight, and got closer to the bridge that connects an island to my little town, I thought about God's love and...
  3. Rosyshine

    Love song (poetry)

    I can feel Your presence here, Filling up this place. It's like I can feel Your holy robes, And Your hands upon my face. I long to feel Your sweet embrace, Like sun upon my skin. I long to hear Your gentle words, That calm the storms within. Oh, how I love Your presence, God. Oh, how I love...
  4. Rosyshine

    Lost sheep (essay)

    “Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.” So He spoke this parable to them, saying: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave...
  5. Rosyshine

    Transformation -- breakfast thoughts (essay)

    There's a photo at the booth where I'm eating my breakfast this morning. It's a close-up of a flower that is starting to bloom -- its deep-purple and yellow-striped petals stretch out like someone who just woke up and is stretching her arms. The rest of the flower is still wrapped in its green...
  6. Rosyshine

    Something fun (essay)

    I'd like to hear your stories - Would you share a time or two that God has come through for you in a surprising way? I'll share one: Maybe a year ago, I was driving when a thought randomly came to me to pray about parking, so I prayed for God to show me where to park. I sensed I needed to turn...
  7. Rosyshine

    If you're hurting, He's your strength (essay)

    It's about 2:30 a.m., and I'm awake and in pain. It's not physical pain. It's heartache. I feel it most days at one time or another, this weight of grief and hurt. These are times when I tend to rehearse what has gone wrong, the losses, the slaps in the face, the sins I've committed. I think it...
  8. Rosyshine

    May I have this dance (poetry)

    "May I have this dance?" He asked, with love filling His eyes. "I'd like to dance this dance with you and never leave your side." "Oh, gracious King, my Lord," I said. "For what have I caught Your eye? I'm just a girl in pauper's shoes, and my heart is scared to try." "My lamb, have you...
  9. Rosyshine

    May I have this dance

    "May I have this dance?" He asked, with love filling His eyes. "I'd like to dance this dance with you and never leave your side." "Oh, gracious King, my Lord," I said. "For what have I caught Your eye? I'm just a girl in pauper's shoes, and my heart is scared to try." "My lamb, have you...
  10. Rosyshine

    He sent His Word

    I took the Word yesterday and placed it on my lap. It was a big family Bible, thick and heavy. I felt warmth on the pages as I read. And my heart drank His Word. Like food, Like medicine. It felt like healing oil. When I didn't believe, I never felt a glow from the Bible. Now I feel it...
  11. Rosyshine

    Want to get away? (essay)

    One of the reasons I started writing here was to share feelings honestly, and anonymously, because I don't feel that I have many safe spaces to do that in my daily life. Today is Sunday morning. I left church early. Today I feel like getting away. Today I hurt and feel a bundle of conflicting...
  12. Rosyshine

    Titles of songs that have given me strength

    These songs have helped lift my soul: Count It All Joy, by The Winans Soon and Very Soon, by Andrae Crouch Yesterday, by Mary Mary I'm Alive in You, by Jesus Culture Walk With Me, by Jesus Culture Hold On, by Sounds of Blackness Melodies From Heaven, by Kirk Franklin Long As I Got King...
  13. Rosyshine


    When my well is dry, Lord, fill me up. God, my well is dry. Please fill my cup. My heart is bleeding empty, My soul is tired and worn, So won't you come, oh Lord, and fill me up. Take your living water and fill my soul. Make me whole, again, Lord, and wholly Yours. At least when I am emptied...
  14. Rosyshine

    I wonder how He sees us (essay)

    I wonder how God sees us. I have the sense when I feel close to Him, when my heart is filled with love, that I can begin to see people more through His eyes. It's in those times that I've begun to sense this delight, this love for creatures and people as I see them simply go about routine...
  15. Rosyshine

    Grief (essay)

    I wonder how many people feel like they're waiting for someone to rescue them. It's one of my fantasies, actually. It's something that I thought about today on break at work: What would it be like if some man swept in and took me away, took me on some adventure and took me away from my...
  16. Rosyshine

    Bird watching

    God made hidden shelters Where the cardinals can rest So when cold rain falls They can warm their red breasts God made many bushes Flush with leaves and flowers So when nature assails Fowl can hide in earthly towers And God made the world Full of natural delights So when life becomes heavy Man...