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  1. Rosyshine

    The Comforter (essay)

    “He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Psalms‬ 91:4‬ NKJV‬‬ Is there anything more comforting than resting in God's presence? I can't think of anything. That's what it means to me when I read, "under His...
  2. Rosyshine

    Short ones for fun (poetry)

    I'm playing around with haikus. I'll probably add more to this file as the mood strikes. Feel free to add your own in comments! 1. A dove sat and watched As I walked to church today. I thought of His peace. 2. My church with no bells Doesn't sound like the others. Love whispers inside...
  3. Rosyshine

    Masks and light (poetry)

    Keep the lights dim. Let's stand here with our masks on. That way we don't see What's cracked and bleeding. I want to feel you close, Skin wrapped around skin, Indulging in exteriors, Comforting the cuts inside. Let's sway a little. Tip me back and kiss my neck. I wonder who you see when you...
  4. Rosyshine

    Thank You, Jesus (poetry)

    My Lord Jesus. He is good. He stokes the flame in a candle that's almost snuffed out. He draws me back from the darkness with love. When my hope begins to fade, He calls me to His arms. He searches the valley for His lamb, and carries it back to the flock. He calls me blessed, For I am...
  5. Rosyshine

    I just thought this was neat / heartwarming

    I happened upon one of my favorite verses tonight. “The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”” Zephaniah‬ 3:17‬ NKJV‬‬ Then for the first time I had the thought...
  6. Rosyshine

    Remember what you're fighting against (essay)

    I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts and some verses while I'm taking a break. I'm reminded that the battles we face are against things we can't see, which is why we have to follow Jesus closely and rely on Him. ‬‬“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against...
  7. Rosyshine

    The business of cuddling (essay)

    I remember seeing news articles not too long ago about people paying to go to places where they would be held for a while - just cuddled, nothing beyond that. No offense to anyone who's tried it, but it sounds strange to me, and I can't imagine the operation not being at least a little awkward...
  8. Rosyshine

    Grief, Chapter 2 (essay)

    How many places do you feel you can be really honest? By honest, I mean 100 percent raw. Totally transparent. I can be honest with people, but I usually sum things up and skip over details -- like I'm about to do here. ;) I can't think of a person who I would feel comfortable being "100...
  9. Rosyshine

    Lessons from a country drive (essay)

    I adjusted the radio as I drove tonight along a dark road, heading toward swaths of farmland. I had felt an urge to go out that way to get away from the city that I call home. This country drive is the one I take when I want to feel free from traffic and busy, chaotic places -- when I feel...
  10. Rosyshine

    One touch (poetry)

    I can relate to that woman who came to You, knowing in her heart that one touch would heal. Her problem was a flow of blood. Mine is an issue of the heart. I feel an ache inside and wonder if there is good in it -- maybe it drives me after You. But I feel wearied at times. I feel that if I...
  11. Rosyshine

    The ways He lifts our chins

    I posted this as a blog, but no one shared any stories, so I'm posting here in hopes of getting some participation. I think it's so encouraging to share about answered prayers and other things God has done in our lives. Here's the post: I'd like to hear your stories - Would you share a time...
  12. Rosyshine

    Need a hug

    Hi everyone, I've been feeling pretty low lately and really just want a hug. Now, I know you can't hug me, but would you pray for me? :) I could use some comfort and healing. I feel broken-hearted, sad and weighed down by my thought battles and pain. Thank you for taking the time to pray as...
  13. Rosyshine

    The Facebook narrative (essay)

    I had a dream several months ago. I saw a group of Christians riding in an SUV with their windows down, Christian music blaring. Somehow I knew (you know how in a dream when you just know something) that they were rich and living in a bubble and had become numb to the pain of others. This led...
  14. Rosyshine

    A tree's knees and quiet time (poetry)

    Tree knees: They look like worshippers stuck in the ground, bowing near a giant preacher. These bumpy knees of cypress trees, wet from a creek, hands melded together in prayer. Above them, the preacher spreads his green-feathered arms, swaying the people with his sermon and pointing them to...
  15. Rosyshine

    Cardinals (poetry)

    I love to watch cardinals hop and play and rustle in the bushes outside my home. Their little chirps greet me in the morning and at sunset. They make my heart smile, the way their little bodies dart here and there. I look at their special red coats and wonder how much God must love the birds, to...
  16. Rosyshine

    Gentleness (essay)

    Gentleness seems rare these days. It's so seldom shown, or felt, in the everyday experience (at least in what I experience) that when someone displays it, it's beautifully surprising -- like perfume that evokes a sweet memory. Much rushing gets done in my daily life. Rushing at work. Rushing...
  17. Rosyshine

    Honoring each other (essay)

    I'd like to share a little bit about hurts of mine, but also about hope and healing. Since I was young, I've heard a multitude of messages - both direct and indirect - that tried to make me feel less valuable as a girl and then as a woman, simply because of my gender. At times they've come in...
  18. Rosyshine

    The dearly loved (essay)

    Did you know that you are not only loved, but also dearly loved? Beloved means dearly loved or a much-loved person. I did a quick search for the word "beloved" on the Bible app on my phone. So many verses came up! Jesus is beloved, and we are beloved too! It comforts my heart to see how...
  19. Rosyshine

    A lighthouse visit

    For some reason, this was the day that I forgot about my fear of heights. I believe it was a weekend day, and I got the urge to visit a lighthouse in my town that I had never climbed. I excitedly drove to it, got my ticket and then quickly walked inside. I got about a few flights up when I...
  20. Rosyshine

    Just a tree in the garden

    I'm in your garden, to bear you good fruit, One of many trees in your garden, content that I'm tended by you. I love it each day, when I see you walk through, And look over me, and smile at my growing fruits. For you are the gardener and I am the plant, Just a tree with tender shoots, in the...