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  1. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    Absolutely not. You must remember and hold fast to Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but...
  2. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    These are man-made terms that serve to pigeon hole and restrict believers from understanding the purpose and application of eschatology. These man-made terms serve as a sleight of hand. They get you focused on the FUTURE to purposefully draw your attention away from the flaming arrows that...
  3. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    Church History: The first couple hundred years after Christ the church was persecuted (satan attacking church from the outside in) Then Emperor Constantine had a false vision, and decided to "fight for Christ". he legalized christianity 313 AD thus stopping persecution (satan attacking church...
  4. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    You are saying, 'it is all to the future, no application for here and now.'
  5. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    False teachers work for Satan. They misinterpret scripture to deceive others. It is more sinister than what you have portrayed it to be. You say like many of the false teachers say that eschatology is all about the future. But maybe them getting everyone to keep looking to the future they...
  6. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    So are these false teachers hiding something in eschatology that is useful for us brothers here and now. Are the false teachers corrupting eschatology because it is part of the Armor of God?
  7. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    Why only prayers for Mike Pence? Why not prayers for Kamala Harris as well? Matthew 5:43-48 Love for Enemies 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer

    Eschatology - is it part of the Armor of God?

    Eschatology: how does it benefit the believer? If Eschatology is about Jerusalem, how does this benefit the believer? If Eschatology is there for brothers to speculate and boast about future events how does this sanctify and grow the believer? Eschatology is not a salvation issue, meaning it...
  9. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    You are mixing and confusing politics with christianity. None of the things you have written here have anything to do with true christianity. Franklin Graham is political activist disguising himself as a christian leader.
  10. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    You are absolutely right. Pray for everyone. Love your enemy. But this doesn't me you have to travel 500 to 2000 miles to washington DC so that you pray under the direction of false teachers. Why support their using of Christianity for political gain?
  11. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    VP Pence is a born again evangelical Catholic. Is this what you are? He spoke at the 2018 southern baptist convention, and then in 2020 visited the Pope at the vatican. So He is playing both sides of the coin as a successful politician would do. In fact what he is doing is deceive...
  12. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    Did he ever baptize anyone? Billy Graham motivated people to go back to whatever church they were already going to. If they were Lutheran they went back to Lutheran. If they were presbyterian they went back to presbyterian If they were catholic they went back to catholic. If they went...
  13. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    How do you know he led anyone to Christ? I tend to agree with most everything Trump says, but does that mean he is a saved man? It does not. These false teachers keep telling us that we must vote for Trump to save christianity. We must vote for a non-believer to save the church. There is...
  14. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    So you are glad to help lead the sheep to pray under wolves. Franklin Graham not only praised the late Pope, he attended the coronation of the new one. More than any other one man, Billy Graham paved the way for the widespread acceptance of a Catholic Pope by Protestants and Baptists...
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    An Invitation- Cover D.C. In Prayer Tomorrow Saturday September 26th Joined With National & Global Day Prayer & Repentance, "The Return"

    it does matter because the church in america has been infiltrated by wolves in shepard's clothing. Johnathan Cahn is a false prophet. "Cahn attempted to warn the nation of a massive calamity that would befall America on September 13, 2015. The predicted calamity never occurred, but that...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    Bible pictures of Jesus in the grave for 3 days

    Yes, I see that, Johah was disciplined by the Lord. Thanks for adding that. I have been disciplined by the Lord too.
  17. Nebuchadnezzer

    Bible pictures of Jesus in the grave for 3 days

    Thanks for sharing. It is informative and thought provoking. I would like to add these: I see Jonah being "dead" in the whale for three days and nights before being brought back to life as a powerful foreshadow of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I see the Book of Jonah as...