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  1. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    So then you call me preterist. And another will call me a historicist. In both cases people lodge these labels onto me to discredit me. So what am I then, A historicist? A preterist? Both? If both then why is then a distinction between the two? The truth is I am none of the above...
  2. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    Actually, the popes do claim themselves to be the "High Priest", to be the "Holy Father" and "supreme Judge of the Faithful". Popes also claim to be infallible in his teaching when he sits in his chair in the temple (vatica). Therefore he claims to be a lawgiver. The bible clearly states...
  3. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    So what do Historicists believe on the Matthew 24:21 The Great Tribulation?
  4. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    Popes: are they false apostles or true apostles?
  5. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    You are trying to label me as this from Wikipedia with your bogus one verse litmus test: Partial preterism[edit] Partial preterism (often referred to as orthodox preterism or classical preterism) may hold that most eschatological prophecies, such as the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrist...
  6. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    So now your biblical reference of knowledge and spiritual reference of truth is wikipedia? Wikipedia is a good source for historical information. But for biblical and spiritual truths wikipedia is not a crediable source. You are revealing your ways of error. All of these categorizing...
  7. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    Of course it doesn't. Some of what we all learn comes from false teachings that have infiltrated the church. Before Constantine the Enemy attacked the church from the sea (1st beast revelation). This means that they Enemy couldn't enter the land of the believer. The Enemy could only attack...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    And I will tell you again you are an antichrist sympathizer. You work to hide the antichrist. You are a huge preterist. You say the Whore of Babylon is Jerusalem. This is exactly what the preterists say. You are discrediting your own false teachings. Do you even know this?
  9. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    I have already answered these questions from you not long ago. But you keep wanting to brow beat me. Here is my answer again. These things are talking about Jewish Revolt and destruction of Jersusalum in 70 AD.
  10. Nebuchadnezzer

    Jerusalem Is The Whore, Mystery Babylon The Great, The Seven Hilled City

    It is becoming more and more apparent that you are a Roman Church sympathizer.
  11. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    You keep falsely accusing me of something I am not. Stop falsely labeling me. How about I label you a Roman Pope sympathizer. Yep, your a Roman Pope (antichrist) sympathizer.
  12. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    Yes, and Constantine was the antichrist who changed tactics. The Roman Emperor before Constantine attacked the church through persecution. They attacked from the outside in. But Constantine changed the method of attack. He began the infiltration of the church with false teachers and...
  13. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    Satan is permitted. Different than to say that God himself commits the sins. God gives all a choice.
  14. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    what you say is patently false. It is the spirit of the antichrist that does this.
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    A Divided Church?

    False teachers abound. It is the abundance of false teaching that have created so many denominations. How does one cut through all this? God's Word make it clear for us there are two paths. Christ and Antichrist. John 19:11-16 11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    Is the end near?

    Mark 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Again what I say is true. They end for us all is coming soon
  17. Nebuchadnezzer

    Is the end near?

    The end has always been near. So stop asking this. Stop looking for signs. Galatians 1:4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,
  18. Nebuchadnezzer

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Those inside Jerusalum in 70AD who repented and believed on Jesus Christ were saved. Even though they were killed or martyred much like James or like Stephen in the book of Acts they had victory over the enemy. They had spiritual victory over the beast, which at that time was Roman Empire -...
  19. Nebuchadnezzer

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Again you are just looking at literal truth. The 4th beast is already defeated, spiritually defeated, at this point prior to the city and temple being destroyed. Which the city and temple being destroyed occured between 66AD and 73AD You have to understand that although over a million people...
  20. Nebuchadnezzer

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    No. Revelation tells of a different beast that works in tandem with a false prophet. The beasts in Daniel, none of them worked in tandem with a false prophet. Also to consider in Revelation: Does Revelation only tell of one beast and one false prophet? OR Does Revelation forewarn us that...