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  1. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I'll just LOL at this :)
  2. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    So then predestined and foreknew can be scribbled out? Christ won't lose ONE SOUL that ever comes to Him. God knew this and Jesus Christ stated this. That's what I choose to believe in. If He does, then we are stronger than the Holy Spirit. I mean, the Spirit of God is in us, so we are able...
  3. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Right, and thus my analagy. They had the opportunity to go get that free 100 bucks (salvation), but they didn't want to go get it (wanted to stay where they were b/c they didn't want to do anything to go and get it) And thus, with salvation, it takes FAITH. They believe in Christ, or they at...
  4. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yes you can. People do it ALL the time. I know people in Catholic Churches that go through ALL the rituals and stuff, but yet tell ya that they do it because they're a member, but they know it isn't the way to do it. Many people follow things they do not believe in.
  5. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    That's if you went and received the 100 dollars... these people never DID.... Keyword... DID NOT ACCEPT THE 100 BUCKS... They never received salvation. So therefore, they could not throw something away or gamble it away. Simple! Got to have it in order to do something with it.
  6. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    No, even the children of Israel that saw the miracles of God never BELIEVED. Only TWO believed and they made it to the promised land. If they believed, then they would of ALL went with Joshua and Caleb. The fact remains, is that they never truly believed in this God; they wanted their own...
  7. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I agree. I you say that you can't sin or don't sin anymore? That's what the bible calls a liar.
  8. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    You can easily believe the truths of the Gospel but not accept them in your heart. Like I believe there's a sale down the road that's giving away 100 bucks, but I don't accept it. I know that's a strange analogy to put here, but it's the same concept. The fact is, I can say, well, I believe...
  9. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    maybe you didn't see the equal sign in there? NONE = 0.. meaning He won't lose ANY. Thank you Jesus
  10. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    That's contradictory man... you cannot depart from the faith. If you can, then Christ is made a liar. He even went on to say: Joh 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Not that He would only if we made ourselves so...
  11. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Now this I have to disagree with. Then Christ Himself states that He shall lose NONE that has been given Him... which NONE = 0... not 0 + 1.... Then that would contradict what Christ said, if in fact, a true believer in Christ could depart from the faith. It's impossible as Christ says...
  12. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Maybe I misquoted someone LOL... So many talking here. There ARE NO OTHER conditions to believe. I think we're on the same page :)
  13. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Then I apologize if you did not say that. Could a been someone else :)
  14. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Do you read? It says LEST they should be saved... AGAIN.. "not saved" :) SMH
  15. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    If there's someone with an evil heart? Hmmm. Simple: UNSAVED.... Unbelief? That's simple to... UNSAVED.. Can't have unbelief AND belief? Can you :) Departing from living God? This is simple too. Many hear the word of God and they depart from Him because they don't want Him. Read Romans 1...
  16. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    These people never believed in the finished work of Christ, so therefore, they were not saved. They were like, oh this sounds good, let's check it out.. Oh, really? Christ did all this? Christ took away the Old Covenant? Oh no man, we don't like this. We're going back to the animal...
  17. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Again, either way, you said they did not believe prophecy. Therefore they didn't believe He was Christ the Messiah, therefore; they are 'unbelieving'. The point is, they are not saved. It's a silly thing to discuss, so I"ll move on :)
  18. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Easy... I decide I wanna be Catholic... I go to a Catholic Church... I hear the message... but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe what the Baptist believe. Does that mean I was ever a Catholic? Nope... It's simple. You can say you want to go to church as an unbeliever. You...
  19. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Or how about this. Ever hear a Pastor get behind the pulpit and say... "GOOD MORNING CHILDREN OF GOD".... I have... does this mean everyone in the Church are children of God? Course not :) That's why it's so important to read context along with other scriptures in order to get a full...
  20. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Haven't you ever heard of this expression in our world today? Let me give you an example. You go to Wal-Mart with 10 people.... 9 people steal something.... then someone goes around and says... yea, we all went to Wal-Mart and we stole stuff. Uh... did that include you? Well, if you didn't...