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  1. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    God has provided a way for ALL sins to be forgotten as far as the east is from the west.. and ALL our sins and iniquities He remembers no more.... how? Through Jesus Christ. Not some, but ALL. Scripture does not lie. And I can't throw God anyway any less than I can oxygen or my earthly father.
  2. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Let's just see how it's not possible for us to keep or even earn our salvation. Scripture is clear: Rom 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: The point is, is that we sin regardless. If you are a Child of God, you sin. If you are not a child of God, you sin. There is...
  3. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    You don't get it... it's not about US, but GOD :) Has never been about us. When we make it about us, then it's not about God anymore, but about our own greatness... our own wonderfulness that we are so awesome and mighty and YAY I'm just so perfect in my flesh. YAY I don't sin like that...
  4. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    For one, you can't KILL your heavenly Father. Two, He can't die.. so that relationship is NEVER BROKEN. Simple!
  5. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yeah even the devil believe... and having the faith to begin with is what saves, for that gives us grace, for without faith it's impossible to please God. Faith alone saves, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
  6. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Oh, since we are the temple of God, then God will let His temple be defiled? hmmm... New one on me. Of course WE, as sinners can sin, but hey, that's why Christ came, because He knew this :) It wasn't the law that was imperfect, it was US. So Christ took care of that. YAY JESUS!
  7. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Atheists don't believe in a heavenly Father :) They can't stop believing in something they never believed in.
  8. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Nope, he is still your father.. really? lol
  9. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    See, a child of God can't do that lol... because they know their Father will always be their Father. Even with our earthly's impossible for you to stop believing he's your father... it's IMPOSSIBLE... unless you had brain damage and altimeters... but to choose to do it? You can't...
  10. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Well he is right in that context. How can you Un"son" yourself from your father? You can't. And God cannot "unseal" ANYTHING because then He would be a liar. Could He? Of course, He can do anything except LIE.. so that blows that theory out of the water. What He has sealed, He WILL NEVER...
  11. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    It really is. I see so many here have posted why do people continue to keep going over and over and over about the same thing. I belive it's important because it's Christ alone that saves. Anything JESUS PLUS is not biblical and makes me worry for those that believe this. I never question...
  12. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Our new nature is the RESULT of what Christ did. Of course the new nature cannot save you. It's Christ and Christ alone. Unless u're referring to another post, I saw nowhere where he said the new nature saved anyone :)
  13. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yup, and you can change your name, move to the mountains, dye your hair, and swear they are not your father, but they will always be, and can always be proven. I've noticed that many aspects of God are related to earthly fathers and their relationships with their children as well.
  14. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    yeah, we can NOT believe in oxygen all we wan't, but it's always there lol. Not really the best example to describe God, but the same effect. You CANNOT stop believing in Oxygen because you already believe in it and you KNOW it is there. Same with salvation and God
  15. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yeah, my understanding and reasoning for thinking I did not meet the standards was become of my misunderstanding of scripture. I completely understand that now, can never meet the standard, but only through faith in Him and His grace given to me. And yup, if I'm doing something wrong, the...
  16. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    An ex believer sounds just as strange as my ex father lol. Yeah, that doesn't work :)
  17. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Don't forget if they sin willfully, and this means even one TIME... Then they have no more sacrifice for their sins. Sigh! Drive by bible thumpin's what I call that. One scripture bangers out of context :)
  18. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I pray that you never rebel then. My God will never disown me because His Spirit is indwelling me, and my name is already in the Lambs Book Of Life. He knew this from before the creation of the world. What a scary thought to walk my life in fear of being able to lose or throw my salvation...
  19. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Look, I literally HATE OSAS teaching. I don't believe it's OSAS I believe it's whether a person is TRULY saved to begin with or not. This OSAS teaching is a teaching of demons in my book. It's opened the door to minimize and misuse the grace of God, and if someone is living like the devil and...
  20. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    No condition! Either you're a Saint or U ain't! God doesn't do anything half way, We are sealed by the Holy Spirit Forever. I mean, forever doesn't mean just that? What does forever mean?