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  1. M

    "No one is good", according to the Bible

    Nope I'm not. I fall short everyday.
  2. M

    "No one is good", according to the Bible

    Total depravity(I like using Human Depravity), is used to summarize what the Bible teaches about the spiritual condition of fallen man. Some people use the term "total inability" or "righteous inability", but no matter which name we use, when properly understood is an accurate way to describe...
  3. M

    For the mathmaticians needing proof of God's word

    The SHORTEST chapter in the Bible...…………………………………..Psalm 117 The CENTER chapter of the Bible...……………………………………....Psalm 118 The LONGEST chapter of the Bible...…………………………………….Psalm 119 There are 594 chapters BEFORE Psalm 118 There are 594 chapters AFTER Psalm 118 594+594=1188 or Psalm 118:8 "It is...
  4. M

    "No one is good", according to the Bible

    Many people claim to be good. As Christians we all claim to be good people. There is the single mother working two jobs to put food on the table for her chi.ldren. The father, in the garage with his son's car teaching him the mechanics of his vehicle. The husband and wife helping each other...