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  1. M

    Will we remember our earthly lives after we die?

    Some believe that after we die, we will have no memories of our past lives. Many church leaders teach that our sins will be wiped from our memories, but our loved ones and the good things we had done will remain. The majority of church leaders seem to lean on the thought that Heaven is so...
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    Does God forget our sins?

    First, lets remember, as Christians we cannot call God anything less than omniscient. He knows everything and forgets nothing. Hebrews 10:16-17, "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary." So, is this...
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    God's name?

    The ancient Hebrew language, which the old testament language was written in, did not have vowels in its alphabet. It was a consonant only language. So, in the original Hebrew, God's name translates to, YHWH. Without the use of vowels, there have been much debate by scholars on how to...
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    What did Jesus mean by warning against saying "Raca"?

    The word in question that Jesus uses comes from the Aramaic term "Reqa" It is a derogatory expression meaning, empty headed and used in offensive ways to humiliate, degrade, or embarrass someone. The english version of this maybe "moron" or "fool". Keep in mind its not just the word itself...
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    Some believe that suicide is the same as murder, since one is murdering their own self. When someone takes their own life, they are rejecting our Lord's gift of life. The Roman Catholic Church believes if a Christian takes his or her life, it is unpardoned, therefore they are not saved. Other...
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    Satan tempts Christ

    Jesus was "led by the Spirit into the wilderness" to be tempted by Satan. So for forty days and forty nights our Lord fasted. Satan comes to Jesus, at His weakened human nature, and tempts Him. He had not eaten nothing and was hungry, so the evil one uses this opportunity for a way of...
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    Is "tough love" a biblical concept for raising children?

    "Tough love" is an expression of a disciplinary action, with the intent on helping someone in the long run. Raising children in the biblical sense of "tough love", the chastening hand is always controlled by a loving heart. The book of Proverbs and Hebrews speaks a lot on discipline and love...
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    Breaking free from habitual sin

    Acts of sin are sometimes things we are doing that either we don't know its a sin or don't believe its a sin. Practicing sins, we know what we are doing is wrong, yet we keep doing it. Our "sin nature" is never dormant. We fight it everyday. Sometimes we when the battle and sometimes we...
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    Breaking free from habitual sin

    Every Christian struggles with sin. We are born with a sin nature Psalm 51:5, and controlling the fleshly desires is a life long battle. The Bible says that until we are "born again", we are a "natural man", meaning that we are dead in sin. The "natural man" follows the desires of the flesh...
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    The ministry of Peter and Paul, contrasted

    Contrary to what most people think, Peter and Paul's teachings were somewhat different. The Bible is very clear in that Jesus' disciples were to preach the word to the lost sheep of Israel first. Israel is God's chosen people, so from the start of the early church the disciples were not...
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    The importance of attending Church

    There are times in my life that I should have done more for my church and my brothers and sisters. Unfortunately I sat on my hands rather than praying and asking God for guidance on certain issues. If we get more involved, God opens up more doors of opportunities for us to serve Him. Before...
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    The importance of attending Church

    Attending church is an important part of a Christian's walk with the Lord. But its more than just attending, its getting involved in your church through various activities. God has a purpose for everyone in His church. These may include: Preaching, teaching, singing, organizing, counseling...
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    Did Daniel in the lion's den foretell Jesus' death and resurrection?

    The similarities of these two events are very interesting. There are some church leaders who say, because of the many situational matters that are alike, that Daniel's story of the lion's den directly foretells Christ's death and resurrection. Some argue that there are over 300 prophecies...
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    What is a Solemn Assembly and how does the church conduct it?

    In early church traditions, Solemn Assemblies were conducted on special occasions for certain religious services. During ancient times it was held for many festivals, feasts, and other holy activities where there would be no work on these particular days. There could be several days in a row...
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    Things people think that are from the Bible but are actually not

    Whether Christian or not, some may think they are quoting scripture when they really aren't. The Bible tells us to impress God's words on our heart and soul, thinking about them daily. For the Christian brother or sister, we are to study God's word diligently, memorize it, and obey it. When...
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    Foot washing..........Is it a command?

    Many churches today use Jesus' example of washing His disciples feet as a church ordinance, saying that it is a commandment of God. It wasn't uncommon for early Christians to wash a guests feet at their home as an act of hospitality and during church it was done by the humblest of servants with...
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    Who was "the disciple whom Jesus loved?"

    The Gospel of John is the only one of the four which records the statement, "the disciple whom Jesus loved." Most biblical scholars agree that Jesus was referring to John, the son of Zebedee. In recent years some church leaders have added to the list of candidates for this "beloved disciple."...
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    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Absolutely. Always wanting to learn more.
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    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    God's word has much to say about the consumption of fermented and unfermented wine. In ancient times wine could be fermented grape juice mixed with water, thus making it somewhat diluted. Fermented wine could also be made without adding water and making it more intoxicating. The Bible often...
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    "No one is good", according to the Bible

    Hmmm Hmmm...….Brother, I believe by your petulant way of responding to my post, you have proven my point.