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  1. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Would God glorify an unfruitful person? I mean think about it. Theres no glory in sin. Or lets just say he is just unfruitful but does not sin. What honor is there in that for God? Our lives belong to God now that we are in Christ. You said: Obedience which follows is works. The error of...
  2. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Ahh, so now you want to debate. Please trust solely in Jesus to save you and keep you saved. Any works you do thinking are necessary to attain or maintain Salvation is your grest, insulting to Jesus error. I can give you the one true Gospel unto Salvation if you want, and then you too can...
  3. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Well guess what? YOU DONT get to control what other people say. So don't be bitter or surprised because Christians are going to correct your great error. Why would I be bitter? Bitterness is of the devil. Who says youre a Christian? Let me ask you where is my error? Didnt Jesus say there are...
  4. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    You clearly didnt read the part where I clearly said debating and disputing get us no where. But thats all you like to do. I dont see the love of God in you. Will you turn the other cheek and carry on? If you dont like what I had to say move along. You haven't offered any words edifying to me...
  5. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    I agree. You made a great point. All those scriptures line up. Did you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to seal the deal? Ministers in church tried to decieve me by teaching me false doctrine after I received the Holy Spirit. Thats why I make sure to be in the full armor of God. That way to...
  6. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    I dont know Im not God to know. But I know God is a forgiving God and His mercy endures forever. God is love. And love is longsuffering and patient. Does that give any insight to your question? He doesnt give up on us. He keeps tugging at peoples heart. Its up to the person to be open to God...
  7. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Bro I agree with most of what youve said minus we earn salvation. Thats just impossible. I think you meant to say preserve our salvation until the end as somethibg precious to us because Jesus suffered for us. And that to me means I owe Him my praise and my gratitude. To each his own. The...
  8. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Hey you hit it dead on. Why are we gonna promote the blind leading the blind (osas). But to point out what you said about the mature believer as compared to new born babes. Jesus taught its like the soil who when the Word falls on them but then the cares of the world makes them turn back yields...
  9. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    Was Judas called? By Jesus? Just a curious question. If Judas was called, is Judas in heaven? I read that Judas was sent to his own place. Acts 1:25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
  10. TLC209

    a born-again Christian can never (keyword: never) lose their salvation

    One of these views is right and one of these views is "right" (im not here to argue). But which view carries the fear of the Lord. Because that is what all must have as Christians. If we are truly born again and sealed we must fear the Lord. So if we dont want to be thrown out with the tares...
  11. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    We cant do it on our own. Thats why we needed the Holy Spirit indwell in us to help us overcome the Spiritual war we all face as Christians. So you believe and therefore are saved is that what you believe? Can I ask where you learned that? And also maybe any insight as to how you really know...
  12. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    Well dont you agree that works follow the believer that is born again? It is not the works that saves a person, it is works that are done by the person that shows Jesus lives in them. Take Paul. He stopped persecuting the church he did a complete 180. Thats prrof he wasnt the same person...
  13. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    I still do not agree. That chapter after He tells Nicodemus John is baptizing in water so its clear they go together. Nicodemus was not given Spiritual insight. It was not for him to recieve. He even tells him that he doesnt believe so why should he tell him things concerning heavenly things...
  14. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    So John 3 when Jesus talks about water and Spirit isnt He talking about water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism? I know some people interpret that as the being born of water means to them the birth but I wouldnt consider that because He is answering the question about being born Again. A second...
  15. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    You had asked me a question before. If you read Apostle Paul's letters, you realized he almost never mentioned anything about Jesus's earthly ministry? Why do you think he focused so much on the DBR of Jesus instead? When I read Acts 21-28 it became clear. Pauls revelation on the road to...
  16. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    Ya bro thats new to me. I wouldnt think they would be having contention among themselves especially with such a huge event like Jesus being the centerpiece of their lives. Acts 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication...
  17. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    Hey what you showed me is deep. Galatians chapter 2 Paul is complaining a bit. Correct me if im wrong but Paul is saying Peter brought division. They were seperating themselves from the gentiles it seems like but that only happened once Peter brought that teaching. Paul didnt seem to happy...
  18. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    Thats a good question. Id be happier if his soul was saved. We dont want anyone to go to hell. Right? No one is better than the other. We all fall short. Hopefully Ted finally saw the light before they executed him.
  19. TLC209

    Why I no longer believe in the penal substitution theory of the Atonement

    Nice to hear your opinion. What do you think of this explanation by Paul in the scripture on why he did not focus on Jesus earthly ministry? 2 Cor 5:16 Wherefore we henceforth know no man after the flesh: even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more. Thats...
  20. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    I think I get what you're trying to say. So the only time I've seen in church people interpret what the Holy Spirit is speaking its usually during prophesy. Have you heard in church when the person speaks louder than anyone else without a microphone? Usually they start out speaking in tounges...