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  1. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    No one studies the root woods the way I do, so I can even tell you what plant they are referring to via the Geek word apsinthos, which is where the English word Wormwood comes from. It refers to a certain plant used fr killing worm parasites in humans, thus the name Wormwood. Let me track down...
  2. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    The TRUTH is it is going to be poisonous in nature, and that will be for God to decide HOW that comes to pass, of course it can be "Nuclear like", it can be "falling sulfer", it can be some form of precious metals that do not exist on this earth that contaminates the fresh waters, the only point...
  3. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    I don't debate or really even like replying to you in truth sir because you have no mode that ever says you are in error, and about 75 percent of what you say on prophesy is in error. So, I am not going to waste too much time trying to change your intransigent opinions. It's an Asteroid, your...
  4. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    There are no such things as "200 million led by Kings from China", people add in the 200 Million from Woe #2 to the Vial #6 Kings of the East and then sadly CONFLATE the two. The 200 Million from Woe #2 in Rev. 9 is 200 Million Angelic Beings bringing PLAGUES (Rev. 9:20) in order to kill 1/3 of...
  5. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    It doesn't have to be the "Radioactive" type to poison the fresh waters per se. The point is God is telling us in a Prophecy that He is going to poison 1/3 of the Fresh Waters, so whether that is some type of Radioactive Nuclear Fallout, or whether it is mere Sulfur falling like as the happened...
  6. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    It could be, but it's not ewq1938, IMHO, because of the overall context. We know Fire comes in ahead of an asteroid, we know the impact of an asteroid is violent, we also know that metals in any asteroid when it blows up will create a type of Nuclear Fallout from the blast. Isn't a huge Nuclear...
  7. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    Wormwood poisons the fresh drinking waters after the Asteroid Strike, thus it's the Nuclear Fallout of the Asteroid Impact. You are overthinking it and trying to tie it unto false teaching, the Church is long gone because the Rapture is Pre Trib.
  8. R

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    Well, some people conflate the two. There is the "real Gog and Magog" which Ezekiel spoke of via God's Holy Spirit revelation, it is about a War that happens just before or just after the Pre Trib Rapture. The Gog and Magog "War" of Revelation is just John using the Old Testament to paint a...
  9. R

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    Jesus told Peter my Kingdoms, not of THIS WORLD. So, as long as Satan has the Birthright over this world he is the ruler of this evil world. He won that birthright from Adam whom he tricked, Adam was clearly told by God that he was given DOMINION over this world, and all of its...
  10. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    You have everything spot on except the cause of the Rev. 16:18 Earthquake, in the Trumpets we see that God casts the incense/prayers of the Saints down to earth via Fires and an Earthquake Rev. 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth...
  11. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    I forgot this link..........New UK Study..... UK STUDY — Vaccinated Adults under 60 are dying at 2X Times the rate of the Unvaccinated… German Study — Higher Vaccination rate causes higher ‘excess mortality’ across 16 countries… Check the chart… Data doesn’t lie…
  12. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    You are WRONG, no vaccine via mRNA has ever been used which has full-length Spike Proteins. They have tested these kinds of vaccines for over 20 years with animals and the results have NEVER been good. mRNA was invented by Dr. Robert Malone in the late 80s, he will not take this vaccine himself...
  13. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    The bad logic is you trusting a Vaxx that usually would take 6 years to get approval. On this other video by a European Doc, the first comment is this by a Female Doc and her Make Husband Doc. "Both my husband and I are Medical Doctors and we have five kids. We decided NOT to take any of the...
  14. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    Comprehension skills lacking? What was my point and Robert Malons point? That only Elderly people are prone to death thus only elderly people and those with comorbidities need to take this vax, just like most people who get a flu shot every year is an older person because flues kill older...
  15. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    Says the pro lefty........
  16. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    I will post t passages to prove you do not understand prophecy in full. And it is not arrogant to point out someone who can't understand simple points, these are not complex points, it is more than likely you are playing the "I DON'T UNDERSTAND GAME", so, me saying you had reading comprehension...
  17. R

    Are we in the end times ?

    The Psalm 83 war lasted from 1948 until 2010ish, as per 2017, that is not of God, He doesn't deal with the profane Horoscope, that's the Devil's domain. You have been hoodwinked on that one. The Gog & Magog war comes after the Psalm 83 war, it is contingent upon peace between Israel and her...
  18. R

    More pieces fall into place

    Here is the difference, not many get this and I have stated that the Old Testament Prophet or the "Thus Saith the Lord" Prophet is different from the New Testament Epistle writers like Paul who were not saying in their mere letters, Thus saith the Lord so much as they were guiding their flock as...
  19. R

    Galatians 3:10 vs. Psalm 119:1

    Nope, the verse in Psalm 119:1 is TRUE.........The problem is no man can walk through this life without breaking God's Laws because of our sin nature, thus were are automatically condemned to death, thus that VERY Law has CURSED US unto death. Jesus was not CURSED by these Laws he came to...
  20. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    Again, you are putting words in my mouth and I wish you would STOP IT !! I think you full well know I am not saying Assyria when I say he has Assyrian via his blood. If a Prophecy stated a man born in Amercia would be the Anti-Christ but in another prophecy, it was stated he would have...