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  1. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    Paul gave us the Rapture understanding via goi g to Heaven and being explained it......SMH.
  2. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    The point went RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD !! Sadly. If I had letters to Churches today by varied preachers, I cod read them and learn also, but that would not make them "THUS SAITH THE LORD" Biblical scriptures would it? This is too easy. It's like hitting the side of a barn with a shotgun blast...
  3. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Verse 14 tells us clearly this is about the Rapture BRINGING the END (70th week). So, the Rapture (if I remember you from another site) is Pre Trib, and thus this fits perfectly, why are you thus fighting these true facts? By the way, we agreed on little else.
  4. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. 1 Thess. 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a...
  5. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    No, you said that, I said Pauls letters were not "THUS SAITH THE LORD" as were the Prophets of Old which could NEVER BE WRONG. A holy Spirot led sermon by a Holy Spirit led preacher can have some UNGODLY FACTS in there because people pass down things they have heard in their life which are just...
  6. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Dude, Christians are tough, the way I have learned all I have over 35 plus years is by debate, Peter and Paul had a very harsh debate. I don't just get angry when someone tries to corner me, I try to TEACH THEM God's truths, I use that chance to layout His truths in layers that can not be...
  7. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Real Christians will not be here for the 70th-week tribulation anyway. Famine in Matt. 24 covered the whole Church Age as in it was a part of THE SORROWS or Birth Pangs that lead unto the birth of the 70th week.
  8. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    The 144,000 are the Jews, songs we sing on earth are heard (naturally) in heaven. REMEMBER in Rev. 8 where the Prayers of the Saints on earth were poured out at the throne of God, and God then gathered those prayers up and hurled them back down t earth in the form of fire/judgment. So, the...
  9. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    We can use all three, but there is no use, using one or the other is always the best way, so doing all three hen taking notes off all three is a better way to go else you win up conflating things, from my experience. I will use Matt 24 You get verse 13 correct, that is indeed referring to the...
  10. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Yes, one in Matt. 24:29-31 and the other in Matt. 24:36-51. NO.....If a Preacher writes a letter today t his flock is that the WORD OF GOD? Maybe, or maybe not, it could be inspired by God, but at the same time if a pastor is having a hard time getting his flock to understand something he might...
  11. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    The Rapture of the Church happens, then the Jews Repent (144,000 is CODE for ALL Israel who repents). Gentiles who missed the Rapture (the 5 Virgins with no oil) and come unto Jesus after the Rapture are the Martyrs as seen in the 5th Seal. So, until you understand the timing of the Rapture you...
  12. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    Both because Jews are in the Church.
  13. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    Boom, someone gets it !! Even if these are 24 actual people in Heaven, they represent the Raptured Church in Heaven, who are Kings and Priests unto God. I tend to see it as just a code for the 24 Orders of the Priesthood showing us all to be Kins and Priests via Jesus' blood, but it could be 24...
  14. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    They represent the Raptured Church, we know this by the way they are described as FAITHFUL OVERCOMERS !! Rev. 4:4 And (1)round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in (2)white raiment ; and they had on their (3)heads...
  15. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    And the event he is quoting is the Pre Trib Rapture, it amazes me at how scripturally unlearned "some Christians" are. The passage is VERY CLEAR. The Dead in Christ ARISE [First].....(although I think this is just used by Paul to ENCOURAGE those in Theeolinika who were worried their loved ones...
  16. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Matt. 24:4-6 is about 70 AD and has come to pass. Verses 7-14 is about the Church Age and is about to end via the Rapture, so its all pretty much come to pass and when verse 14 comes to fruition in full, the time of the Gentiles will have come full. Verses 15-31 are all during the 70th week...
  17. R

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    I was only describing the way God describes time in juxtaposition to Him, and us on earth. Since Jesus is described as ruling ON EARTH for 1000 years, that time would have to be calibrated in our time, thus the 1000 years is in real earth/universe time, and thus it is not symbolic, but a real...
  18. R

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    Just as 10 and 7 mean Completeness and anytime there are TIMED by the other complete number, or even by TIMED by 12 (Fulness) then God is "EMPHASIZING" Completeness. And since God is ETERNAL, anytime God says a day unto Him is like 1000 years what he is really saying is Hey men on earth, CATCH...
  19. R

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    Not as pertaining unto earth at that time, God lives in all time at once. so does Jesus then, thus Jesus has always been the Creator/King, but he's still not OUR King on this earth, not us, Satan rules over this world and us at this time. Noyce the word Patience? Ths means Jesus obeyed God and...
  20. R

    Wormwood hitting the planet

    Gotcha, I m having to help my mom to the restroom all day (she's 86 and with me today) and probably was interrupted whiles reading, I always get the same thing when told about the Kings of the East and China, that they have a 200 Million man army. But alas, I also don't even see them as China, I...