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  1. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    This is an amazing post. Great job. May the Lord bless you in what He is using for.
  2. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Hey bro if satan is funny to you thats all good. Not sure why youre on a Christian site? Moderator or not... nothing personal. I dont even know you. Hasta luego amigo..
  3. TLC209

    Taste and see that the Lord is Good!

    All the time
  4. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    Your fine brother. I enjoy your posts. Have a blessed night.
  5. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    This is not confusion. As for division it falls along the lines of seperation from ungodliness. Be not yoked with unbelievers. Regardless if they are your family. Being against ungodliness is what happens when we follow Christ. That is not the division I was talking about. Dividing the Church...
  6. TLC209

    Great snippets on the fear of God. (26 min)

    I agree with what youre saying. Its great that you are in our Fathers love. Thats amazing.. To give a response the bible is prophetic and Living. To those who have the Spirit of God it is life and health, sweeter than honey. But to those who are unbelievers it is condemnation and God is one to...
  7. TLC209

    What is the answer and the solution for every problem that a Christian WILL HAVE?

    Acts 25:17 “When his accusers came here for the trial, I didn’t delay. I called the case the very next day and ordered Paul brought in.18 But the accusations made against him weren’t any of the crimes I expected.19 Instead, it was something about their religion and a dead man named Jesus, who...
  8. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    I appreciate your breakdown on the term fundie. That felt like a crash course of some serious attacks on the body of Christ. All these denominations and doctrines is just too much. But the devil is behind it all. DIVISION AND CONFUSION. The Gospel is simple. Simple enough for children to...
  9. TLC209

    What is the answer and the solution for every problem that a Christian WILL HAVE?

    You didnt answer my question. You did a nice job of running around the bush. Burning bush as it may, it still beats answering the question.. So again I ask, are you implying that praying fasting going to church and reading the bible falls into the law? And therefore anyone who does such is...
  10. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Im assuming you speak babble. Just by your spirit of contempt.
  11. TLC209

    What is the answer and the solution for every problem that a Christian WILL HAVE?

    Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the truth the way and the life. Those who follow Him will have everlasting life. Forsaking oneself and you will gain your soul. What ever problems we face, we are given strength through Christ Jesus. God will never forsake us nor abandon us in our time of...
  12. TLC209

    What is the answer and the solution for every problem that a Christian WILL HAVE?

    Are you implying that praying fasting reading the bible and going to church, all those who do these things are cursed? You say that all this falls under law? I just want to be clear what it is you are preaching.
  13. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    Lol ya me either... i dont know what a fundie is. If theres any forum to find out what exactly that is, this would be the thread. Although it wouldnt matter. If it doesnt glorify God or serve in spreading His message I doubt it has much value. No offense to fundies lol
  14. TLC209

    When do we belong to GOD?

    I agree. But what im inferring is that every testimony varies as to how long it takes to recieve the Holy Spirit. Many believe in Jesus the Bible tells us even the demons believe. When we believe it is then the process begins and for every believer that timeline varies. But God is faithful and...
  15. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    I do by your response. Not everyone thinks the same. As much as we are supposed to be of one mind. We all are on different spiritual maturity levels. Thank you as well.
  16. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel...
  17. TLC209

    When do we belong to GOD?

    This is true but this is not an indicator of when. You can apply this to Peter for instance. He heard Jesus. He then believed Jesus. He recieved the Holy Spirit later in the upper room. So although all these have to be in their rightful order, it does not have a specific timeline. Every...
  18. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    I would add the Holy Spirit. When you say is not Gods Word suffient, I would add the Holy Spirit. We all need this in order to stand right with God. But I agree the Word is sustainable, man cannot live on bread alone but on the Word of God.
  19. TLC209

    "Let's have a conversation"

    Reason with God? How so please explain?
  20. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Well when you word the question in that form, the answer is Satan. But I think it is alot more complex as to what speaking in tounges actually is. The book of Acts is where all this originates, but in the book of Acts when they spoke in tounges it says that people from every nation heard them...