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  1. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Maybe for you it is foolish. But for others it may open them up. We cant close our minds to deny baptizm. You are speakong hypothetically, but what stops YOU from being baptized?
  2. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Like I will continue to tell you. I do not agree with the manmade "saved"doctrine. So before I get my head chopped off let me explain. We are saved the day Jesus died and rose again. That day we all were saved. So whoever told u the day u prayed u were saved, is a lie. Jesus paid the penalty...
  3. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Well for one im not God so who gave me such authority to answer who goes or does not go to heaven? Im merely a man like you.. But if the person recieves the Holy Spirit before he dies God will not forsake His own. God knows the heart. Because He gives us a new heart when we recieve the Holy...
  4. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    I agree with what you say minus the pentecostal part. That comes across as "set tripping". Basically boasting and feeling superior because of ones personal membership to a specific church. The church is ONE. There is no divison in the body and we all play a role in the body of Christ. Paul...
  5. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    The only way to be saved is through Jesus. Jesus was given all authority when He conquered death. He commanded us to repent and be baptized. He commanded us to take up our cross and follow Christ. Teaching His Gospel and making disciples. If churches teach that baptizm is not necessary to...
  6. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Just because she believes in an error doesnt mean she is in complete error about everything. No one is right about everything. She was talking about being cleansed and the process we go thru as born again Christians. And she was spot on. You just dont like her denomination and choose to attack...
  7. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Ill be at Yosemite church on sunday. Youre invited sir.
  8. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Just stay out of her path. I dont want you to get hurt by her words. She doesnt have restraint. And her anger is magnifying. Its what needs to happen in order for her to see "people here are not the issue". You have a good heart, dont let this bother you. Just let her be.
  9. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Take your own advise. You just said I was foolish. I dont need to tell you what the bible says about calling your brother a fool. You seem to know enough bible to teach the flock. Pentecostal oneness is in error. 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word...
  10. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Im on the North. Near olive and G. Wherever you want to meet. Let me know.
  11. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    When were my feelings hurt...? You were laughing. Like a little boy thats what that meant. You seem childish to explain the post since u didnt understand. And cool the X is white. Its probly clear and the background is white but whatever, thats immature to be disscussing a red X. Youre too much...
  12. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Im not judging anyone. I think you are misusing the word. I was giving my opinion as to what the woman was doing. Its unbecoming of anyone to behave that way. If we say we know Christ then there is no excuse for that behavior. Prayer and some realignment is needed. And for anyone else who...
  13. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    Your posts are all there. U been laughing and laughing and laughing. I have a son. Thats what little boys do when they mock other little boys. It is clear as day to see what it was you were doing and your intent. So why are u a straw man? What untruth are you talking bout? Your posts are there...
  14. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    I never said im right? I didnt know we were even talking about right or wrong? Rather me being on the defensive of things you are accusing me of. You obviously think im some false person and dont have any Holy Spirit working in me... and now ur accusing me of having a demon or being santanic...
  15. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    All insults. You keep insulting me. I have not insulted you once. I said you have a spirit of anger and you acknowledged that you do. As for the moderator he mocks and has contempt so why are you excusing his behavior. I never once insulted him but rather said he must speak babble. Babble is...
  16. TLC209

    Some truth about speaking in tongues, the Holy Ghost, spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 14

    You have anger in your heart but u cant see that. Whats it called when you try to take the speck out of your brothers eye? Do you know my Spiritual devotion or my fellowship with Christ? You became offended and attack me and others? There is anger in your heart and it has nothing to do with cc...
  17. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    I havent insulted anyone. But whoever your mad at, forgive them. Have a blessed day
  18. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    It says to baptize in THE NAME (singular). So what is the name? If the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit share the same name.. what is the name? What name is above every name? The bible says Jesus inherited His name. A name that is above every name. When we inherit something we can guess that...
  19. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    Thats not trinitarianism thats oneness.
  20. TLC209

    The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

    This seems like a personal attack on Wansvic. I didnt hear him speak anything about oneness in his original post. Maybe you do not like him from previous posts? But this is pretty heavy attack ur firing at him. Along with others. His post was fine. And the bible does teach that water baptism...