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  1. S

    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father I pray that You would teach us how to hear Your word clearly, speak to our hearts Father and allow our feet to move in Your direction. Since the beginning of creation You alone, have known what is best for us, help us to remove self out of Your way Father and allow Your growth...
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    From the Milk to Solid Food

    Reading from the book of Deuteronomy 6, GOD has giving a command to His people. It is through this command that all parents must follow, so that fear of GOD are instilled in our children. Some may ask, why would I want my child to fear a loving GOD? The answer is simple, Men and Women alike...
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    Pray with Me

    I pray that GOD opens each of us up to reveal that part in us which we have made graven image in our lives, Father teach us how to remove what You have found to be a detestable thing, allow Your manna from on high Father to spill over and drown out the darkness that has been hendering us from...
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    The Second Commandment

    Reading from the book of Exodus GOD forbids us to make for ourselves any graven images. In other words things that hinder us from the love of GOD. Automatically we hone in the part of the scripture. Creation can be a tricky word when it is used on the tongues of sinners. We forget words like...
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    Abomination Causing Desolation

    GOD will deliver you out of any and every situation safely but we have to remain in His will and do what He commands us to do, worldly thinking and fleshly thinking will confuse us and lie to us with a malicious tongue. When we believe in men of GOD only because they say and confess with words...
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father align me with Your truth align me Father with Your way as trouble knocks at my door daily I am but a fleshly man, reveal Father a double portion of Your spirit in me to do Your will may Your grace and favor shower, Your creation and reach out to the ends of the passion and love...
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    Food For Thought

    God operates in times of chaos and trouble, it is in these times that deliverance is brought about and change can occur. When there is no escape, humbling your heart with prayer and meditation, aligning yourself with His truth and then His power and presence are glorified and magnified. Psalm...
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    Romans 3:18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes. Psalm 36:1 I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before their eyes. GOD can not bring any of us unto His bosom unless we first have understanding and knowledge of...
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    Pray with Me

    The overflow is the Spirit of GOD living within you that GOD see's fit to share. Heavenly Father I pray that You continue to hold me , keep me grounded upon Your rock forsaken all things that are not of You, Father I pray that Your cup runs over in my heart and confession of You in me...
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    Remain in me

    Heavenly Father just as Jesus remained in Your will I to want to remain in Your will, teach me the way Father allow me to have knowledge and understanding to remove those things that hinder my love from You. Sustain me Father with Your grace and peace as scripture commands You are my refuge and...
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    Thank You Father

    Heavenly Father I thank you for this day, I thank you for this very hour and minute of the day. Father Your nourishment is needed in my life teach me how to serve You, teach me how to be what You need me to be Father, let Your love surround me, hold me and keep me. Your will be done in this...
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    The Power of GOD! 2 of 8

    In the last chapter we had spoken of how God had created the heavens and the earth. Let me expand on this, God not only created heavens and the earth but he gave Satan his authority to rule. Satan was an Arch Angel in the heavens serving God; God had provided him with all he needed including...
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    The Power of GOD! 2 of 8

    In the last chapter we had spoken of how God had created the heavens and the earth. Let me expand on this, God not created heavens and the earth but he gave Satan his authority to rule. Satan was an Arch Angel in the heavens serving God; God had provided him with all he needed including...
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    Claim your Authority with prayer!!!

    t is a well-known fact that prayer reflects how big or small GOD is in your life. Prayer is the number one direct line of communication with GOD. And if your communication is small or weak your prayers are small and weak. Some of us think when we pray that GOD should conform to our way of...
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    More then enough Prayer of Faith

    Gm Mr Hall, i can appreciate your search in finding help to compensate for what your love life is lacking, may I suggest rather then seeking help from outside that you might seek help from within. The CHRIST in all of us who abide by HIS words operates in power and strength and it's in that...
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    Confined and Restricted by my desires!!!

    A lot of us including myself spend so much time trying to capture victory as we see it, which is the thing in our life that says to each of us, we have achieved our goal. By doing this and creating this image of reality we limit our potential of who GOD says we are. By creating a limit on...
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    Pray with me Pray with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. S

    Stand with me in prayer CHRIST BELIEVERS

    I have a question where are the 20 million churches that have populated in the U.S and why are we not hand in hand in prayer rebuking with a RHEMA word what we as followers of JESUS CHRIST know to be Satan? GOD intends for this to happen through the church the CHRIST BODY OF BELIEVERS...
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    What is the Full armor of GOD?

    Belt of Truth Ephesians 6:14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist (This is not the opinions of the world or the worlds maybe's or I think so) Standing firmly on the word of GOD. Breast Plate of Righteousness Ephesians 6:14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth...
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    Freedom to speak with AUTHORITY for GOD to change the outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ephesians 3 10 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 In him and through faith in him we may approach...