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  1. S

    Pray with Me

    Pray with Me Heavenly Father I am thankful daily, for the breath of life that You have blown inside of Your vessel Your creation. I keep sinking because of my disobedience and refusal to allow You to lead. This is Your vineyard and all in it belong to You, teach me how to open the inside of me...
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    Was it GOD or my Imagination?

    It has been said by many, that I have prayed about it and I feel that GOD wants me to make this or that decision. Well for those of you who don’t know, acting on feelings is not of GOD. He doesn’t act on your feelings or mine because one minute we are hot and the next we are cold. Our...
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly father I pray that this vessel, Your creation can attain all that You see fit. I pray that I may not fall to my own way of thinking, but that I endure in Your will. Father I pray that You establish a peace in me, that I may hear Your directions clearly and I ask that each step that I...
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    Perception described by GOD through the eyes of Christ

    The scriptual verse Matthew 22:14 many are called but only a few are chosen. The reason this is stated is because we are all opinionated, and it is those without a precursor or an opinion to how GOD operates are those that He sees fit to endorse. Let me explain!!!!! Scripture says...
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    Pray with Me

    Pray with Me Heavenly Father I pray that you reveal to us your way, that all we embark on was set apart by you, that nothing Father will consume us on the left or the right while striving for Your Grace and Mercy. Father God let Your vessel remain as You would see fit and please use the broken...
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    Letting Go and Letting GOD

    We have all heard this expression, but do most of us understand the meaning in this? God has and always will reign supreme in everything, in the beginning this is the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. He formed man from the ground. Isiah 55:8 tells us that the God we serve is nothing like us...
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    Letting Go and Letting GOD

    We have all heard this expression, but do most of us understand the meaning in this? God has and always will reign supreme in everything, in the beginning this is the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. He formed man from the ground. Isiah 55:8 tells us that the God we serve is nothing like us...
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    Pray with Me

    Father I pray that you may enlighten this us, that our darkness is not the end but the beginning of a restoration. Father that you grace us with a hint of your gentle breeze so that we may realize times of refreshing and joy and peace. Father convey your message to all who would hear that it is...
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    Baptize Me Please

    Should the sons be punished for the sins of their fathers through persecution from the church? It is in my understanding of the word of GOD that he relinquishes all things in the Kingdom of GOD to the little children, it is scripturally written: Luke 18:16 15People were also bringing babies...
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father I thank You for thinking of Your creation, I thank You for remembering me in all times and at all times, Father help me to see the things I have coveted in this vessel, Father may mercy and grace abide in me and cover the multitude of stains and shame I have brought upon Your...
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    Food For Thought Reading from the book (1 Corinthians 3) as Paul is addressing us all as worldly, because of the Donominational choices that we have chosen with our irrational thinking behind it. In this passage Paul states 3 Brothers and sisters; I could not address you as people who live by...
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    Pray with Me

    Prayer from Ephesians Heavenly Father I pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may know You better. I pray that the eyes of my heart be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which You have called me, I pray that out of Your glorious riches may You strengthen this...
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    Reading from the book of (Ephesians 2) Paul describes the past person of whom we once were before Christ Jesus , He also described the way in which we once lived before Christ Jesus, he stated we once followed the ways of the world before Christ Jesus, and we once followed the ruler of the...
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    John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus is the way to GOD the Father since this is the case should not know what GOD the Father has asked of each of us, and since this is the case as Jesus so politely put it, He did...
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father I see that this vessel has focused on the flesh for far too long, I see Satan is using this trick to separate us, thank You Father for a revelation of truth through Your servant David, thank You for allowing me to see through David’s eyes what is happening and why Father I cast...
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    Reading from (1 chronicles 21) Satan has demeaned the power of GOD in the eyes of David, he blinded David with doubt to make him think that the amount of people he had fighting with him was not enough. Satan strategically placed the doubt on David during a time where GOD was advancing ever so...
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    Pray with Me

    eavenly Father I know that something is broken as I feel deep within me a separation from You, I am searching for Your truth and I pray that You reveal all that is needed for me to exalt Your name on high. Father I ask that You open the mind of Your creation to Your revelation so that like David...
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    Light or Darkness you Choose

    Reading from the book of (Micah 1) GOD distinctively sends a warning to all people in which he is outraged at how we have taken up the Baal. Now for those of us who are not familiar with the Baal it is idol worship taught by men and prescribed into today’s religion. It is the taking of...
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father may my thoughts be Your thoughts, may Your words pass through me and consume my very being. Lift this vessel Father out of its impoverished state, this flesh is failing me, I am overwhelmed, doors are being kicked in on all sides Father and I refuse to run another moment, You...
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    Vanity in Men and Women

    Food For Thought Reading from (1 Samuel 25) we read about a woman named Abigail and her husband whose name was Nabal. Scripture describes Abigail as a beautiful and intelligent woman, and scripture also describes Nabal her husband as a mean surely man. Sometimes we as men get in our own way...